Published By: Sayan Paul

Know about the potential side effects of dates

Eating too many dates regularly can wreak havoc on your health.

It triggers numerous issues, some of which are very critical.

Read ahead to learn more!

Native to the middle east, dates make for a superb snack that is enjoyed all around the world. It tastes delicious and is used to prepare several types of desserts. Also, it has a number of varieties, such as Medjool, Dayri, Halawy, Thoory, Zahidi, etc.

Dates are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and more. As studies have found, regular consumption of dates is associated with better well-being in the long run.

However, just like all other things, dates' excessive consumption can also be detrimental to your health. It may disrupt several functions in the body, making you vulnerable to many issues.

So, don't eat more than 100 gramsof dates in a day.

May cause digestive issues

Dates contain a high amount of fiber which can sometimes harm your digestive system. It can take a longer time to digest, leading to gas, bloating, and constipation. On the other hand, a chemical compound called sulfites is nowadays added to dates for preservation. As studies have found, it can trigger severe abdominal pain in some people.

May aid weight gain

Despite being high in fiber, dates can also lead to weight gain in the long run. It has an extremely high number of calories which can make you obese. It promotes the accumulation of fats in the body, triggering weight gain in no time. Hence, if you are on a weight loss journey, consult with a nutritionist before incorporating dates into your diet.

May disrupt blood sugar levels

Some studies have indicated that dates are harmful to diabetics. It's high in carbohydrates which can disrupt your blood sugar levels. Also, it's a rich source of natural sugars like glucose, sucrose, and fructose which, when consumed in excess, can increase your risk of diabetes.

May trigger certain allergies

Dates contain molds which can sometimes trigger allergic reactions in the human body. As studies have found, people with asthma are highly allergic to dates, and also, their condition can get worse with time. The list of issues dates can trigger includes rashes, itchiness in the skin, sore throat, diarrhea, etc.

May lead to hyperkalemia

Hyperkalemia refers to a condition in which you have a high content of potassium in your blood. It can lead to numerous issues including nausea, tingling, numbness, chest pain, muscle weakness, vomiting, heart palpitations, etc.

Dates are extremely high in potassium, and hence, consuming too many dates regularly can significantly increase your risk of Hyperkalemia.

Besides these, it may also cause kidney disorders, lead to tooth decay, etc.