Published By: Sayan Paul

Lovage: Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More

Lovage is a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe.

It's rich in medicinal properties, and hence, it is widely used to treat a range of health issues.

Also, as studies have indicated, it can cause some negative reactions in the body as well.

Lovage - scientifically known as Levisticum officinale - belongs to the Levisticum genus, and is now cultivated all across the world. It has several other names including levisticum, Garden lovage, Love Parsley, Bladder seed, Old English lovage, and more.

The plant is erect and grows about 1.8–2.5 m tall. It has a 5-6 inches long root, which is shaped like a carrot, having greyish-brown color outside and whitish inside. Moreover, the flowers are greenish-yellow, with 2–3 mm in diameter.

Lovage is widely used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It has several benefits for your health, and also some side effects in the long run.

Health Benefits of Lovage

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, lovage helps soothe an upset stomach and also keeps your gastrointestinal tract in a neutral state. It reduces excess gas, aiding the overall process of digestion in your body. Also, it prevents your risk of bloating, IBS, and other issues.

Lovage acts as a diuretic and encourages urination without any loss of electrolytes. It removes toxins from the kidneys and also improves their overall functioning. As some studies have found, it can significantly lower your risk of kidney stones in the long run.

Lovage, if used topically, can improve your skin's texture to some extent. It has several properties which soothe your skin, and also protect it from damage. It prevents your risk of acne, blemishes, pimples, and many other skin-related issues.

Besides these, lovage may also aid in lung functions, support joint health, promote respiratory health, relieve the symptoms of arthritis, and more.

Side Effects of Lovage

Although rare, lovage can still cause some issues in your body. Its excessive intake is linked to a condition called photodermatitis, which makes your skin extremely sensitive to sunlight. Hence, do consult with a doctor before incorporating it into your regular diet.

Good to Know

Lovage extracts are used to flavor various types of dishes.

It makes for a common ingredient in herbal teas.

The essential oil derived from the seeds of lovage is used in aromatherapy in several parts of the world.