Published By: Puja Sinha

Low Carb Fruits to Swear By

If you are trying to swear by a low carb diet, do not skip on some essential fruits

A low-carb diet has a plethora of health benefits that range from well-regulated blood sugar levels, prevention of metabolic syndrome to remedied LDL cholesterol levels provided you are integrating the right fruits and veggies. Here is a list of fruits to complement low-cab resolution and give you the best health benefits.


A rich source to furnish the body with hydration, watermelons are brimmed to the full with benefits. When consumed with disciplined, you are better equipped to control body’s temperature, appetite, metabolism and joint health. Continuing with low-carb diet plan, which often includes cutting down on a range of nutritional ingredients and suffering from fatigue, depression and reduced cognitive functions, gets easier with juicy melons. Watermelons also improve brain function, mood swings, anxiety attacks and fatigue. Since watermelons are stuffed with nutrients, minerals and vitamins including Vitamins C, B1, B5, B6 and A, Magnesium, Potassium, you experience relief to muscle soreness, indigestion, inflammation and premature ageing. The fruit is best enjoyed when garnished with mint or shredded coconut or eaten with salads.


Pretty resourceful during Indian summers, the sheer versatility of relishing freshly sliced peaches accentuates more to their tastes. Abundant with vitamins, potassium, minerals and plant compounds, the fruit is your best solution to skin problems. Peaches contain plant-based polyphenols (micronutrients) and prebiotics (live bacteria) that actively protect against inflammation which culminates in fatal diseases like cardiovascular issues, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer. You are fortifying immunity against infections and virus. The antioxidants, besides improving skin texture, also fight cell damage. Fresh peaches are always preferable and healthier than canned counterparts. Make sure you prepare a bowl without resorting to sugars or preservatives. Peaches can be eaten raw or in chutneys; cooked and baked too.


A sodium-free and low-calorie food, strawberries are jammed with health benefits to eradicate even the risks of minor ailments and health issues. Strawberries are particularly beneficial if you have cancer genes for they combat oesophageal and lung cancer owing to their antioxidants and free radicals. Its fibre content and potassium cure bloating and help in shedding off lose water weight. Strawberries are one of those fruits that improve immunity and especially during seasonal flu and viruses. The delicious and easy DIY ways to eat strawberries every day, with breakfast, lunch, drinks & snacks or as sweet treats to indulge your guests, is motivating enough to swear by the fruit.