Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Maintain Good Posture When Sitting For A Long Time

Posture is more than just a matter of preference. It’s common for people to get locked in cycles of headaches, back and neck discomfort, neurological difficulties, and arm tingling because of their seating style.

Posture issues might hurt productivity, but they can also hurt the quality of life. Self-confidence is correlated with bad posture, according to recent studies. The good news is that if you make a few minor adjustments to your workspace and your posture, your back health may go a long way. For lengthy periods, our backs don’t appreciate being in the same position.

Sitting at a desk for eight hours might be difficult on your body, but the following suggestions can help ease that discomfort:

Maintaining a slight gap between your lower back and the seat is a good starting point Four out of every five people have lower back discomfort at some point. The best approach to avoid this is to insert a tiny, firm cushion in the hollow area of your lower spine where your back naturally sits.

Your elbows should kept at a 90 degree angle

You should be able to type comfortably with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Make sure the armrests of your chair are also set to this height.

Your chin should be at a 90-degree angle to the floor

Long periods spent looking at a screen at an angle that is too high or too low can cause neck discomfort and (cervicogenic) headaches. Your screen should be placed at an eye level to avoid this.

Pull your chin back and gently tuck it in

Pain in the cervical spine can be caused by jutting out one’s jaw while staring at a screen. Draw your chin back to where it’s level with your collarbones and hold it there for a few seconds. Do this often.

Relax your shoulders

In reality, slouching is extremely detrimental to your spine and back. Gently move your shoulders back and down to avoid slouching, feeling your upper back muscles activate.

Keep your feet flat on the floor

For good posture, consider your feet as the basis. To maintain a perfectly straight spine while sitting for long periods, you must keep your feet flat on the floor at all times.

Keep your legs off the ground as much as possible to prevent irritating your sciatic nerve, which may already be inflamed because of spinal stiffness.