Published By: Sohamhalder227

Medicinal properties of Ube or purple yam.

Purple or violet-colored yam, also known as Ube is a tuberous root vegetable with numerous health benefits.

This vegetable originated in Southeast Asian countries. Even today, this is an indigenous staple food of the Philippines, however, Ube is cultivated throughout the world. Usually, Ube is sweet in taste with a nutty flavor. Sometimes, they are confused with sweet potatoes. Apart from similar looks and tastes, they are different botanically. Yams are usually starchier and drier than sweet potatoes. Following are some amazing health benefits of Purple yam or Ube.

Ube is highly nutritious:

Ube is a starchy root vegetable with a high amount of potassium, carbs, and vitamin C. It is a good source of energy too. You can get sodium, calcium, iron, and vitamin A. Moreover, you can get a high amount of antioxidants.

Ube is enriched with antioxidants:

Purple yam is a good source of antioxidants like vitamin C and anthocyanins. They protect your cells and tissues from oxidative damage. Free radical accumulation is related to chronic diseases like heart ailments, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and so on. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant required for teeth development too. Regular consumption of vitamin C increases antioxidant concentrations in your body by up to one third. Another important antioxidant obtained from Ube is anthocyanin. These antioxidants prevent DNA damage too.

Ube can regulate your blood sugar:

The flavonoids obtained from purple yams are beneficial for diabetic patients. They are effective against patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. These flavonoids lower blood sugar.  Diabetes is an inflammatory condition where oxidative stress is built up inside the body. Often insulin resistance is also observed. This worsens the health condition of diabetic patients. Ube has a low glycemic index. Thus, your spike in sugar levels immediately after a meal is prevented.

Ube is associated with lowering blood pressure:

High blood pressure is associated with strokes and heart attacks. Due to their high antioxidant contents, purple yams are useful in lowering blood pressure. Thus, if you are not willing to take pills for high blood pressure, you can start eating Ube.

Ube improves the symptoms associated with asthma:

Asthma is a chronic respiratory illness. As consumption of vitamin A and C are suggested for asthma patients, Ube can be beneficial. Both these vitamins are obtained in high amounts from Ube. This may reduce the risks of asthma.

Ube promotes your digestion:

If you have a healthy digestive system, you can stay away from various diseases. A healthy gut needs starch and complex carbohydrates for better digestion. When the absorption of nutrients is good with proper defecation, you will feel better. There are some resistant starches obtained from purple yams. They provide a healthy environment for the growth of gut bacteria. Purple yam can provide a high amount of fiber which helps in improving bowel movement. It has been observed that the risks of irritable bowel syndrome decrease due to the regular consumption of purple yam.

Ube has a vast range of edible uses. It can be eaten fried, boiled, baked, or mashed. They can be consumed through soups or stews. In the Philippines, it is even consumed as desserts.