Published By: Puja Sinha

Mistakes to Avoid When Learning Chess for the First Time

Learning chess facilitates higher-cognitive skills and scholastic potential 

Chess requires complete immersion of mind and body and every endgame signals the start of a new game! Beginners learn to develop their own strategy be it aggressively, openly, defensively or even closely. It is a perpetual process of learning and developing.

Here are the common blunders to steer clear of as you venture into the journey of mastering the skills!

Getting Addicted to Blitz and Rapid Games

Typically, in Blitz games, players are required to wrap up the game within five minutes! With Rapid games, however, the span is stretched to fifteen within which players are expected to make the moves. Once failed to make the move within the allocated time, the player inevitably loses to the opponent.

Blitz and rapid might be adrenaline pumping and fun but they do not allow the learning of proper strategies nor help players appreciate the art of thinking, pausing and calculating before making a move. Since speed is the valued factor here, players get little time to analyse and learn from their blunders. One tends to rely mostly on emotions, instincts and habits rather than skills while flagging the opponent.

Moving Helter-Skelter in Unplanned Ways

Calculating for the long run is one of the strategies for growth and insightful learning of the game. Random chess moves might give a momentary pleasure of winning but could be destructive in the larger context. Planning meaningful moves assure the opponent is challenged and slowly seizing their best squares by getting rid of the active pieces.

Failing to Appreciate Piece Coordination 

When several of the pieces are deliberately kept undefended, opponents easily gain an advantageous ground to defend and mutilate. This is where beginners lose motivation to carry forward with the game. Good pieces should be strategically positioned on the squares to defend each other. Once a good many pieces are left undefended, players tend to lose ground.

Resorting to Copycatting the Moves

Beginners develop a propensity to not merely copycat idols but also the opponent’s moves at random without giving a thought to plotting and manoeuvring.

Besides blindly imitating the opponent, another folly is to play without a plan or strategy and merely for the sake of practice. Each move must have a strategy behind it before one is well-acquainted with certain patterns and strategies to topple the opponent.

The practice hours should mandatorily include the opportunity to review and appreciate the moves and preferably gain control of chess puzzles.