Published By: Puja Sinha

Mistakes to Avoid while Wandering Solo

Travelling solo has yielded innumerable benefits for those who had dared to venture forth; here are the common blunders to steer clear from 

While too much mingling with locals is never advised, health networking and communication could help you discover the offbeat places and cheapest options on the trip.

Shying Away from Seeking Help

Solo travellers who are also introverts might be in extreme anguish and even harbour the misconception that it is through the path of committing avoidable blunders that one becomes self-sufficient and gains wisdom, but seeking resources and networking are pertinent to take some burden off shoulders.

Be it locals or fellow travellers, whenever in doubt, there is nothing uncool about initiating friendly conversations for constructive opinions as you navigate your way on this trip.

Being Taken Aback during Emergencies 

Be it injuries, fund shortages, detours, weather crisis and language barrier, while travelling solo, be prepared for every kind of emergency. Researching the place, learning its culture and languages – even non-verbal cues and carrying a mini medical kit, protective gear and sufficient cash to pull you through are the basics to survive if you are travelling far and into the wild.

Overscheduling and Overplanning 

Well, travelling solo could be overwhelming and especially when you have an urge to constantly be on toes and make most of the trips. Crowding your day with too many activities could take a toll. Try taking baby steps and sometimes simply basking in the sheer pleasure of the new place. Move at a slow pace and relish.

Plan wise by tallying with weather, costs and other variables to prevent last-minute disasters. Also, keeping a list of Plan Bs ready could save the day.

Completely Disconnecting from Phone

‘While digital detox for a therapeutic solo adventure is hunky-dory, let’s not be too sanguine about ditching phones. Even if you want an escape, be sure to update your family and friends about whereabouts in case of any misadventure. They should be able to track you down or send for help whenever needed. Sharing location and browsing through media channels would be resourceful for staying informed about weather troubles and other state emergencies.

Failing to Budget Promptly 

Be it a frugal trip or an extravagant one, you would need to figure out the expenses and factor in several unanticipated difficulties to prevent an unforeseen financial crunch. Setting aside for emergency is the key to wade through adversities and emerge triumphant at the end of memorable trips.