Published By: Shriparna

Musing with a busy mind: How to start meditating when you’re a chronic overthinker

When it comes to practicing meditation, the key is to be easy on yourself

In today's world, everyone is constantly connected to the internet, and people's brains run a mile a minute. If you are one of those people who constantly struggle to keep focused on one thought, then overthinking is a common problem.

It can be very challenging to keep focused on one thought at a time, and the thought of sitting silently for a long time to clear your mind of all thoughts is frightening. The best way to start practicing meditation is by simply doing it.

Create a consistent schedule

One of the best habits that people can implement to improve their mental health is to practice meditation. It can help them train their brain to think of it as a time to chill. Setting aside a certain amount of time each day for meditation can help you become more mindful of your thoughts. Meditation should be intuitive and should feel good to individual practitioner.

Create a corner for meditation

Creating a space in your home that is specifically designed for meditation can also help you become more mindful of your thoughts. For instance, you can designate a chair, light a candle, or sit in front of an image that you like. Over time, this will become a part of your home and you'll start to associate it with being peaceful.

Practicing mindful meditation

While most modern forms of meditation are based on Buddhist tradition, I was drawn towards the concept of mindful meditation, which is a type of practice that focuses on being present in the moment without being distracted. According to the concept of mindful meditation, it involves being able to observe and keep your thoughts and feelings free from judgment and bias.

Meditate to a recording

One of the most effective ways to improve your meditation practice is by using a pre-recorded guided meditation. This type of practice can help you keep focused on one thought at a time and prevent your mind from getting distracted. Although a guided meditation might not be as effective as a silent meditation, it can still provide the brain with something to focus on.

Start with yoga and breathing exercises

Practicing breath-focused yoga and movement-focused yoga can help reduce stress levels. While it can be very helpful to maintain a certain level of focus while doing meditation, it can also help ease the tension and anxiety that you might feel. By slowing down our breath, it can help the nervous system feel calmer.