Published By: Shriparna

Myth busted: Is it advisable to take protein shakes when you are not working out daily?

Protein shakes give you a sense of satiety, a sensation of ‘fullness’ and also is easily digestible over other sources.

Protein shakes have become a way of living, thanks to influencers teaching how to make daily breakfast, pre-workout drink, smoothie bowl with protein power but it is not really a “health food” if it is not paired with a generous amount of workout. Protein shakes often made with decadent ingredients like peanut butter and chocolate and are high in calories. So drinking protein shake without daily exercising can cause you to exceed your daily calorie limit leading to weight gain.

Protein shakes without working out

Moreover, protein shakes give you a sense of satiety, a sensation of ‘fullness’ and also is easily digestible over other sources.

An average person needs protein measuring one third of his body weight every day. That amount of protein can be derived from a high protein non-vegetarian diet but often the amount of food required can lead to calorie gains.

Moreover, protein shakes reduce insulin spike if you have it in the morning. You will have more energy and you can focus better during daily activities. They are also a great source of fibre. The more proteins you intake, the more healthy fibre your body receives.

Does protein shakes build muscles without workout?

There is a myth that protein shakes help in building muscles without weight training.  Shakes seem the easier way out for people who would rather not workout. But you only gain muscle mass by challenging your muscles. Protein shakes just let your muscles to recover after workout.

Moreover, if you take shakes with other whole food and not work out, you will gain unwanted weight.

Unwanted protein can lead to kidney problems. So, if you take in more protein shake without exercise, you will increase risk of kidney issues as it won’t be able to metabolize excess protein. Research also suggests taking shakes in excess without working out cam lead to osteoporosis.

Excess protein the body can develop hyperaminoacidemia with symptoms like diarrhea and nausea. It can tamper body’s aging process and can make you age faster.

The shakes satiate body so much you will not be able to take other kinds of food making your body be deprived of essential nutrients.

The ideal consumption rate of protein is 56 gms for men and 46gms for women and consuming more than that you need to take care that you complement it with working out.