Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Myths about Area 51

Probably no region has attracted so much attention in the America, then area 51. Located 83 miles away from the state of Nevada, it is a place shrouded in unsolved mysteries, and myths.  Base of US military, and the CIA, it is a closely guarded Area. No one is allowed in an around this area, accept the members of the secret service. It is said, if you are found anywhere the Area 51, then you would be put behind the bars. Due to this closely guarded privacy, numbers of rumours have spread about the area 51.  

The inception

Area 51 came into existence, during the cold war era. It is believed, this place was used by US military, for testing the spy air crafts. Those were used for spying on the Soviets. However rumours about the area 51 started immediately after this place came into existence.  From the year 1954, people living in an around Nevada, evidently reported, seeing some strange objects flying in the sky. Initially local authorities vehemently denied the claims, made by the people. But as more such strange sightings were reported, authorities recognized the existence of military air base, near the Nevada.  But this could not stop the wild speculations of the local residents. Soon the strange objects spotted in the Sky’s, began to be associated with the aliens. These rumours received further boost, when in that same year, crash landing of strange object was reported from the farm.

The rumour

John River who was the farm owner, reported the strange details of the object which had crashed on his farm. The details he provided, led people to think, that the crashed object, was some sought of extra-terrestrial air craft. What became creepier was few days after this report was published in the local newspaper, the farm owner disappeared under mysterious circumstances. His disappearance caused suspicion among the locals. Numerous newspaper reports at the time linked his disappearance to alien conspiracy. What was really spooky was after John River’s disappearance, numerous people reported from different parts of America their freakish encounter with the aliens.


Since then area 51, has become a hot topic of discussion. Speculation and rumours surrounding the area over the years, has only gone wilder and wilder, so much so, number of films and television shows have drawn their inspiration from them. If these rumours are to be believed, then area 51 is an area where, US military is carrying out some secret experiments on the aliens. If more outrages claims are to be believed, then area 51, is an area where US military is working on a weather control technology