Published By: Sohamhalder227

Myths about decaf coffee

The term decaf coffee is enough to generate controversy among coffee lovers.

Coffee is famous throughout the world as an energy drink for its unique taste and caffeine content. It immediately energizes you to bring back your concentration. You will find millions of people around the world whose day never starts without drinking a cup of coffee. But, there is a new variety of coffee which became very popular nowadays, decaf coffee. Although became famous in recent years, decaf coffee was prepared for the first time in 1903 by Ludwig Roselius, a German merchant, and it was patented in 1906. In this article, we will debunk some common myths about decaf coffee. Read on

Myth: decaf coffee doesn't possess any caffeine at all.

Fact: Decaffeinated coffee contains a small amount of caffeine. Of course, a significant amount of caffeine is removed during the decaffeination technique. Legally, in decaf coffee, 97% of caffeine must be eliminated. Some brands or companies eliminate 98-99% of caffeine. Basically, if a normal cup of coffee is providing you with 100 mg of caffeine, decaf coffee will provide around 2-3 mg only.

Myth: Decaf contains hazardous chemicals

Fact: In the Decaffeination process, caffeine is mobilized via soaking the coffee beans. In earlier times, the decaffeination process generated some harmful byproducts like benzene. Some byproducts were also carcinogenic in nature. With the advancement in technology, a safer version of decaf coffee can be manufactured. Nowadays, all the rules provided by FDA are followed, so don't worry about toxicity.

Myth: Decaf coffee is devoid of health benefits.

Fact: This is a long-standing debate. Scientifically, the reduction of caffeine doesn't interfere with the activities of potential antioxidants. There are other numerous polyphenols obtained from coffee beans. The majority of them remain intact even after the decaffeination process. So, you will be benefited from other healthy antioxidants.

Myth: Decaf coffee is bad in Taste.

Fact: Any subtle change in the taste of your favorite coffee can immediately turn off your mood. Many people think that decaf coffee will do the same to them. But, the taste of decaf coffee depends on the quality of the coffee beans. If bad beans are processed, it will surely deteriorate the taste. So, before buying, always check the ingredients carefully.

Myth: Decaf coffee is only prepared for caffeine-sensitive people.

Fact: Believe it or not, there are millions of people who are sensitive to caffeine. They feel various symptoms like irritability, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting after consuming normal coffee with a high amount of caffeine. Of course, these people will be benefited from decaf coffee. But, there isthe lot number of people who can be benefited from it. They are pregnant ladies, patients with heart ailments, severely injured patients, and so on. As excess caffeine is bad for the nervous system, causing insomnia, restlessness, and digestive issues, doctors are nowadays suggesting decaf coffee to a large number of patients. The taste doesn't vary much from the normal coffee. If you are fond of coffee and suffering from sleeplessness, do shift to decaf coffee, it will be beneficial.

So, coffee lovers, don't get confused with decaf coffee.