Published By: Sohamhalder227

Myths about kidney stones

Kidney stones, one of the most painful medical conditions, affect at least 10-12% of the global population.

Kidney stones are hard mineral depositions (as calcium oxalates mostly) affecting urination and other essential physiological functions. It can even lead to lethal cancer in the kidney or any other excretory organs. if left untreated. Major reasons behind kidney stones are genetic predisposition, drinking insufficient water, excess body weight, higher amount of beverages intake daily, several medications,and consumption of oxalate enriched diet. Being a painful pathological condition, it is surrounded by many misconceptions. This article is intended to debunk those myths about kidney stones.

Myth: Drink cranberry juice to flush out kidney stones:

Fact: Cranberry juice is suggested by urologists to treat urinary tract infections. The phytochemicals in cranberry solidify your urine to flush out the infection-causing microorganisms. However, if you start drinking cranberry juice to treat kidney stones, it will exponentially worsen the condition due to the abundance of oxalate in it. So, stay away from cranberry juice if you are detected with kidney stones.

Myth: If you experience stomachache regularly, you may have kidney stones:

Fact: Of course, you will feel pain in your abdominal region, but, most importantly, kidney stones are associated with painful urination. It is severe and sharp, mostly below the ribs both in the back and sides. Then it spreads to the lower abdominal region and groin. The intensity of pain fluctuates with a burning sensation during urination. So, every abdominal pain or stomachache is not associated with kidney stones.

Myth: Stop drinking milk as it promotes kidney stone formation due to the presence of calcium.

Fact: Milk provides calcium which is essential for your bone and teeth growth. As kidney stones are mostly calcium oxalates, many people think that stopping milk will improve the condition. Scientifically, the reverse is true. Insufficient calcium promotes Kidney stone formation. So, there is no reason to stop milk.

Myth: Kidney stones occur mostly in men

Fact: The report says, 10% of the male population suffered from kidney stones, while only 3-4% of the female population was diagnosed with the same in the last century. However, this is not the case anymore in this century. Approximately, 12-14% of males and 7-8% of the female population are suffering from kidney stones. So, there is a rapid rise in kidney stone patients in women in this century.

Never believe in those myths. If your USG report confirms the presence of stones in the kidney, forget about the size, and seek medical attention immediately.