Published By: Sohamhalder227

Myths about organic farming.

A newly formed method of farming, organic farming has taken over the market in a very short time.

The specialty of organic farming is that all the fertilizers are organic in origin. It was formulated to mitigate the harmful side effects of chemical fertilizers. Organic farming is supported by various global organizations due to its positive impact on sustainability issues. However, you will be flooded with misconceptions regarding organic farming. This is the article if you are hesitant about organic products or the overall procedure. Go through this to clear your misconceptions.

Myth: Organic farming is not cheap.

Fact: Organic farming is economical. People tend to think that, being a new method, organic farming is not economical. However, if you compare, the overall cost of chemical farming is much higher than organic farming. The farmer should utilize the resource smartly to make organic farming cheaper.

Myth: Organic farming is completely different from the conventional way of farming.

Fact: The basic principle of farming remains the same in organic farming. However, the application of nutrients and the surrounding environment is different.

Myth: The productivity is less in organic farming.

Fact: This is again a wrong concept regarding organic farming. Productivity is never compromised in organic farming.In the longer run, it is highly productive than chemical farming. You must be surprised to know that, farmers are shifting from chemical to organic ways considering the benefits and productivity.

Myth: Composts used in organic farming can never supply enough nutrients.

Fact: There is no significant difference between essential nutrients supplied in both farming methods. People tend to think that, chemicals are more nutritious than composts. You must remember that soil bacteria play a vital role in organic farming. Nutrients for both soil bacteria and plants are supplied by compost.

Myth: Organic farming is highly profitable nowadays.

Fact: This notion is partially true. Many chemical farmers have shifted to organic farming with the hope that it is much more profitable. But in reality, organic farming is profitable when you take proper care. There are only a few agencies for the transportation of products obtained from organic farming. In the Indian subcontinent, a proper marketing strategy is required for the ultimate success in organic farming.

Myth: Organic farmers never use pesticides.

Fact: Organic farmers do use pesticides. But the pesticides are within the safe limit. They always use certified organic pesticides. Some synthetic pesticides are safe and easy to use. They do not impact the nutritional value of the product.

Myth: Organic products are always nutritious than normal chemical farming products.

Fact: You will be surprised to know that, there is no such difference between nutritional value between organic and non-organic products. Despite some differences in micronutrient content, these two products are more or less similar.

So, stay away from the myths about organic farming and products.