Published By: Rinks

Natural Pest Controlling Herbs To Keep At Home

Does most of your gardening routine involve spraying pesticides with a triple mask over your face? Well, we have a trick to avoid that, while keeping pests at bay!

Anyone with a knack for gardening must know the pain of seeing pest-infested plants. Keeping plants safe from the unseen mites are almost impossible and the only viable option id to shower pesticides on them that take a considerable part of your time. Wish there was some way the pests would keep their distance from your garden and leave your plants wholly organic? Well, there is! The all-natural remedies from your kitchen work best to protect your plants without drenching them in chemicals.

  1. Neem Leaf-
The medicinal and culinary properties of neem have been known over centuries. The natural deterrents to pests, the bitter taste and pungent odour, keep pests at a distance without harming animals and birds that feed on the plant. Spraying neem oil on your plant with a dash of liquid soap can help you protect your garden for over three weeks.
  1. Salt Spray-
Salt spray is one effective way to dehydrate pest while keeping the mineral content of the soil high. Increasing the nutrition absorption by elements like manganese, Sulphur and phosphorus helps the plant grow well and healthy without any peril of pest infestation. All you need is a spray bottle with a salt solution to spray the plant roots and stem every weekend.
  1. Garlic And Onion Spray-
A clove of garlic and a medium-sized onion soaked in water is all it takes to keep your garden secure. Let the ingredients soak a while and then add a spoon of cayenne pepper with a liquid soap dash. You can save it in a spray bottle and use in to spray one in a week.
  1. Eucalyptus Oil-
The pungent stink of eucalyptus oil daunts bugs and insects. You can spray the oil on your plant roots and leaves and see the bugs and mites disappear almost immediately. You can keep the mixture bottled up and pour it every time you visit your garden.
  1. Chrysanthemum Flower Tea-
The petals of chrysanthemum contain powerful plant chemicals known as pyrethrum that damage the nervous system of pests. The extract can be stored for two months and adequate for every plant care. You can add a few drops of oil to the solution to prevent it from getting evaporated.