Published By: Sougata Dutta

Navigating The Volley Pit: Avoiding Common Volleyball Blunders

Ace your game by sidestepping these common missteps on the volleyball court

Every human being commits a mistake at some point of their life. To be good at volleyball, you need to avoid making common mistakes. There are mistakes that can hurt your success and your team, no matter how experienced you are as a player. These are some of the most common volleyball mistakes. In this piece, we'll talk about how to avoid them.

Serving problem

One common mistake is using the wrong way to serve. Many players don't realise how important it is to serve well because they prefer speed over accuracy. A controlled toss and a smooth arm move are needed to serve well. To avoid making this mistake, players should focus on getting good at the basics of serving, with a focus on being accurate and consistent.

Lack of communication

Another mistake that is often seen is poor communication on the court. Volleyball is a team sport where clear communication is very important. Not talking to each other can make it unclear who is responsible for what, which can lead to missed chances and defensive mistakes. Players should communicate with each other properly.

Passing the ball incorrectly

Volleyball players also have trouble when they can't pass or set the ball consistently. Correct passing sets up a good offensive play, and accurate setting makes sure that attackers can score when they get the chance.

Net breaches

Net breaches are a common problem in volleyball, and they're usually caused by players not being aware of their surroundings. It's important for players to be aware of the net and not touch it during moves. Working on your footwork and positioning can help cut down on net penalties and make the game cleaner.


People often make the mistake of misjudging the ball, especially when they are really into a game. Players may not be able to correctly judge the ball's path and speed, which can cause them to hit the ball at the wrong time or miss chances. Visual tracking skills and anticipation must be developed through regular training and game play in order to improve ball judgement.

Relying too much

Another mistake that people make in volleyball is relying too much on one type of hit. Even though strong spikes can be amazing, a well-rounded player should be able to hit the ball well with tips, rolls, and off-speed shots. By adding new offensive tools, players make themselves less predictable, which makes it harder for opponents to protect against them.

Bad blocking

Bad blocking is a mistake that can have a big effect on a team's ability to defend. Most of the time, players commit to blocks too early or don't close them properly, which lets the ball get through. Players need to have good footwork, speed, and hand placement to avoid bad blocking skills.

Not paying enough attention

Not paying attention to footwork is a mistake that can hurt total performance. To get to the ball quickly and keep your balance during plays, you need to move your feet precisely and quickly. To get better at moving around the floor overall, players should do footwork drills that focus on agility and responsiveness.

To sum up, to avoid making common mistakes in volleyball, you need to be technically skilled, able to communicate well, and flexible. To deal with these problems, players can improve their game and help their team win by focusing on practice and making a promise to keep getting better.