Published By: Sohamhalder227

Network marketing: myths debunked

Network marketing is one of the most misunderstood topics throughout the globe mostly because of a lack of knowledge.

There are very few people who consider network marketing a legitimate industry. Professionals associated with network marketing usually promote direct selling. It's really unfortunate to see how people misunderstand the concept of network marketing and often spread negativity. The reason might be the non-traditional approach to doing business. Keeping these misconceptions, let's focus on the facts.

Myth: Network Marketing is nothing but a pyramid scam

Fact: Legality doesn't have any link to the shape of the organization. Let's consider the structure of any school or multinational company. In school, you have a principal at the top, teachers at the middle, and students below. That's a complete pyramid structure. In the corporate sector, you have a secretary, boss, and employees, again forming a pyramid structure. Scientifically, the pyramid is the most stable structure in the professional world. But, do not confuse pyramid structure with pyramid scams. These are completely different things. In a legal network marketing organization, you get useful and high-quality products along with services. Then you need to pay commissions based on the number of sales. Whereas, if it is an illegal pyramid scheme, there are no products or services, only you get paid based on the number of recruits. Legitimate network marketing organizations always follow the laws in any country. It also provides average income statistics, refund options, and compensation plans.

Myth: The guy sitting at the top makes all the money in network marketing

Fact: This is exactly what happens in the corporate sector, not in network marketing. You get an equal amount for f commission for selling a product or recruiting a member. If you are a good networker, you can earn an equal amount of money from your upline partners. So, it's all about your effort, not the position.

Myth: Network Marketing is very easy to operate.

Fact: No, it is not. It takes time and hard work to build a network and more hardship to hold the network. You need to clarify all doubts about a prospect before recruiting.

Myth: Network Marketing is a scheme where you get rich quickly.

Fact: It takes a lot of time to build your own network marketing business. You may get money initially, but, for a sustainable income, you need to have a strong hold on your network. If any network marketing organization is provoking you to join the business as a scheme of becoming rich quickly, then you need to stay away from them. Network marketing is not only about getting rich, it's about personal growth too.

You might hear other myths like you need to spend a huge amount of money at the beginning, which is completely a false statement. Most of the job-goers are frustrated with the company, under such a situation, why not try or at least learn network marketing which is currently blooming throughout the world?