Published By: Shriparna

Oral Sun-Protection: Diet to make your skin turn photoprotective

A 2017 study found that the enzyme that protects sun from UV rays is produced with diet at unusual times

Often slathering your face with sunscreen is thought to be the full proof way of attaining sun-protection. But it turns out even diet, especially breakfast, is an important part of the skin clock. A 2017 study found that the enzyme that protects the sun from UV rays is produced with diet at unusual times. According to celebrity nutritionist Pooja Makhija, to double the benefits of using a topical sunscreen one needs to take antioxidant supplements or have food induced with it.  So rather than a midnight snack, try incorporating skin-loving food for extra sun protection.

As sunscreen has photoprotective action against photo aging and sunburn, when antioxidants are taken in the diet from inside, they work magic on skin. Moreover, you do not need to reapply, enhances skin glow from inside, and has no allergic reaction on sensitive skin.

Watermelons are laden with lycopene, an antioxidant responsible for its red colour

Lycopene absorbs UVA and UVB radiations and makes skin photoprotective in a few weeks. Researchers note, it cannot take the place of sun-protective clothing or sunscreen lotion but on consuming it for weeks it fights against sun-spots and has anti-aging qualities.

 Nuts and seeds are Omega-3 rich that helps in coping with sun damage

If you have too much sun-exposure daily, often go on field trips or are frequent travelers, pop some Omega-3 supplement or walnuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds. As our body cannot make Omega-3, it is necessary we include it in our diet. It is anti-inflammatory and maintains skin’s integrity. It helps your body to cope with the effects of spending too much time under the sun.

Green tea for flavanol and collagen

Both green and black tea contain flavanol. It reduces skin damage from UVA light and protects against decrease of collagen, which gives skin its firmness.

Carrots and leafy greens for natural sun protection

Carrots and leafy greens are great additions to your meals, even breakfast smoothies packed with beta carotene. Leafy greens are high in the zeaxanthin. and antioxidants lutein. These have been found as a trusted Source to protect against sun damage, wrinkling and even skin cancer.

Blueberries, a great source of Vitamin C

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C that can help prevent skin from wrinkles and fight off free radicals that can damage skin and fight off free radicals that make skin lose its sheen due to stress and sun exposure.