Published By: Darielle Britto

Pantry Organization Ideas To Try

Here are cool ways to keep your kitchen neat and organized.

There are many ways to organize your pantry to keep it neat. You can also find an option that pretty up the space. Shelves, bins, and racks are just some of the handy items you can use to keep your pantry organised. But before you organise it, you need to clean up your kitchen and really find out what is actually in there. You can make easy changes to keep things tidy, like using labels or storing dried goods in clear containers. You can also do a little DIY project, like putting up custom shelves to hold bins and boxes. Narrowing on an idea all depends on your space and what you want to do with it. Here are some pantry organization ideas to try.

Make use of containers and lettering

Clear containers are some of the best when it comes to story things as they allow you to easily find what you are looking for. Plus, they keep everything neat. You can also use lettering to label jars and containers. These templates can add a certain charm to your kitchen space.

Make use of a colour palette

This may sound like a simple idea. However, creating a colour palette just for your pantry can make this space feel less chaotic. The consistent colour will help keep it more organized and give it a clean up look.

Make use of the right materials

Group like-items together so it is easy for you to locate what you need without having to go through every shelf in your pantry.  The best way to do that is by making use of various items, like natural baskets and metal bins. You can have a specific type of container or box for similar items you have grouped. You can store heavy and big goods in big baskets on the bottom shelf. This can help save you a ton of time in the long run.

Organizing a small pantry

You do not need a large room just for a pantry. If you have a small kitchen, take a moment to find a spot that would be perfect t build shelves. You can neatly store your items in this dedicated space. You can even transform a certain area of the kitchen that is unused into a custom open pantry with sliding drawers so the items are easily accessible.