Published By: Sougata Dutta

Planetary Sciences: The most intriguing subject ever

It is an an interdisciplinary part of Astronomy, consisting of geology, geography, mathematics and physics,

We live on a planet called Earth. The Earth is a part of the Solar system with other neighboring cousin planets created because of the theory called the Big Bang, the very reason for the existence of other planets and terrestrial objects around us. The subject called Planetary Science is a part of our modern science society. This part is promising which plays a significant role in Astronomy also. The curious brains of humans are always searching for something new, but they never forget about its own planet and its planetary system.

What Is Planetary Science: An Explanation

As an interdisciplinary part of Astronomy, consisting of geology, geography, mathematics and physics, Planetary Science is a new approach towards a new era with various scopes. Planets are not only some rock or metal, it holds more secrets and compositions, which are not so easy or straight forward.

Exoplanets: A Part Of Planetary Science

Nowadays Exoplanets are a hot topic in the science community. People are more interested in finding habitats in different planets other than earth. No matter how far it is, if that planet is habitable and can be seen by using some high-tech tool, it's fine enough as a test subject and as a home for the future.

Physics: A Multidisciplinary Course Itself

In order to understand the dynamics of the planets, as they are also celestial objects, Physics is a very important tool which is undeniable. It is possible that if we ignore physics in this case we might lose a chance of calling another planet home.

Atmospheric Sciences: A Part of Planetary Research

While researching planets, apart from physics and other scientific methods we must consider Atmospheric Sciences also. Atmosphere is a key ingredient of any object in the universe. The atmosphere of a planet can give the detection of its habitability beforehand. Without even using any other method this key factor is well enough to describe its possible ingredients.

Planetary Science: Research

Learning about planets can be very interesting in every aspect. No matter if that planet is habitable or not, still we can do a lot of experiments on that without any hesitation. It's not always possible that in this search we will always get the same type of planets, they will differ and that difference will bring challenges. Those challenges will force us to look into our knowledge book and find the vacant spaces.

Finding new things and filling our brain with new ideas and knowledge is the only way to survive without monotonicity.