Published By: Darielle Britto

Potential Benefits Of The Keto Diet

Here is all you need to know about this popular diet.

The keto diet has become a popular diet trend in the wellness world. This diet is about getting the most out of your calories from protein and healthy fats instead of carbohydrates. The benefits of the ketogenic eating plan could help you achieve your health goals. However, it is best to seek expert guidance before making any changes to your diet. Here is all you need to know about the potential benefits of the keto diet.

Keto diet and weight loss

Weight loss is a big reason people choose to go on a diet. Diets like the keto plan could promote weight loss. This may be because processed and refined carbs that can contribute to weight gain are eliminated from this diet. While there is no evidence to suggest the keto diet suppresses appetite, may cause your body to release less of these hormones, which when released could cause you to feel hungry. The results of a 2013 meta-analysis showed people following ketogenic or low carb diets lost two pounds extra in a year on average than those on low-fat diets.

Keto diet may reduce symptoms of acne

Acne is a pesky issue nobody like to deal with. Many treatments are available that can treat such a skin condition. However, diet could play a role in managing acne and other skin conditions like it. There may be a connection between blood sugar and skin health. When processed and refined carbs disrupt blood sugar levels, it could be bad for the skin. However, more research is needed to fully understand this connection.

Keto diet and the brain

The keto diet could be good for the brain, according to some researchers.  One study discovered there could be a link between ketones and the strength and health of nerve cells. If true, this diet could be used as a treatment for degenerative neurological conditions. While some results have been promising, more research is needed on this to fully understand its potential benefits on the brain. It is important to note that while this diet may give you amazing results whatever your wellness goals, carbohydrates are not all bad.

The human body does require some amount of carbs. Cutting it out completely or severely reducing your carb intake may lead to health issues. Therefore, it is important to seek expert advice to know what is right for you.