Published By: Jayati

Revive your money plant: tips to transform yellow leaves into lush green!

According to Feng Shui, having a money plant is like having your own lucky charm! It brings good vibes and prosperity to your home or office, just by hanging out in specific spots. It's like having a little green buddy that helps bring in all the good stuff!

Adding a money plant to your indoor space doesn't just make it look pretty; it's like bringing a little green happiness into your life! This plant, also known as Pothos or Devil’s Ivy, is a favourite among plant lovers because it's so easy to take care of and can thrive almost anywhere. With its lush green leaves and reputation for bringing good vibes, it's no wonder it's found in homes all over the globe. But if you spot your money plant's leaves turning yellow, don't worry! It's just a sign that it needs a little extra attention. Want to know how? Keep reading!

It's crucial to identify the culprit before jumping to solutions!

Crafting an ideal environment for your money plant isn’t just about growth; it’s about nurturing its lush leaves and fostering good fortune. If you spot yellowing, identifying the cause is crucial—whether it's overwatering, underwatering, inadequate light, poor soil, or pests. Once you diagnose the issue, adjust your care strategy accordingly for a thriving plant.


For money plants, a well-draining soil mix is essential. They thrive on loamy, airy substrates resembling their natural habitat. A blend of potting soil, perlite, sand, and compost promotes healthy, breathable roots, preventing root rot caused by waterlogging. Striking the right balance is key here—moisture retention with swift drainage. Opt for a premium potting mix to supply vital nutrients for robust growth.


Yellow leaves on your money plant? It could be from overwatering—check soil moisture by gently poking a finger about an inch deep. If it feels soggy, hold off on watering until the topsoil dries slightly to prevent drowning the roots. Make sure your plant's pot has proper drainage to keep roots from getting waterlogged and rotting. In cooler months, ease up on watering to avoid saturating the soil. But don't forget, underwatering can also cause yellowing. Set up a consistent watering routine, letting the soil dry out between waterings. Adjust as needed based on your plant's preferences and your home's conditions.


The Money Plant prefers temperatures between 15°C to 24°C (59°F to 75°F) but can withstand brief cooler spells. A prolonged cold can stunt its growth. Moderate humidity suits it, but it adapts well to indoor conditions. Avoid placing it near drafts or heaters for consistent growth. Extended direct sunlight can cause sunburn and yellowing leaves, so find the right balance for optimal light exposure.

Pests control

Check your money plant for pests like spider mites, scales, or mealybugs. If you spot any, act fast using insecticidal soap or neem oil. Keep the leaves clean by wiping them regularly with a damp cloth to discourage dust buildup and create an unwelcoming environment for pests.


Nourishing your money plant during its growth spurt (spring and summer) is like giving it a hearty meal to thrive. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser, but think of it as serving it with a bit of water to make sure it's not too strong, just right for its appetite. Feed it once a month to keep it happy and healthy. If you notice any yellowing leaves, it might be craving a little extra nourishment, so consider giving it a nutrient boost. Just remember not to overdo it—too much food can spoil the appetite!

Reviving your yellowing Money Plant is like giving a friend a helping hand—it's all about understanding its needs and creating the perfect environment. Once it's back to its vibrant self, it brings more than just greenery; it uplifts your mood and reduces stress. Taking care of it brings a sense of fulfilment, while its calming presence soothes anxiety. So, follow these steps and ensure your plant never loses its lustre!