Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Risks associated with oral piercing

Oral piercing has become increasingly popular in recent years as a form of self-expression. However, oral piercing is not without its risks.

If you do decide to get an oral piercing, it is crucial to seek out a reputable piercer who follows strict hygiene practices and uses sterile equipment to reduce the risk of infection and other complications In this essay, we will discuss the risks associated with oral piercing.

Infection: One of the most significant risks associated with oral piercing is infection. The mouth is full of bacteria, and piercing creates a wound that can become infected. Infection can lead to pain, swelling, fever, and even more severe complications such as sepsis. Oral piercing can also damage the gums. The jewellery can rub against the gums and cause irritation, leading to gum recession. Gum recession can cause tooth sensitivity, decay, and even tooth loss. The metals used in oral piercing can also cause damage to the teeth. The constant rubbing of it against the teeth can cause chipping or cracking. These damages can lead to sensitivity, pain, and even require dental treatment.

Nerve damage: Oral piercing can cause nerve damage. The tongue and lips have many nerves, and piercing can damage them. Nerve damage can lead to numbness, tingling, and even loss of sensation in the tongue or lips. Oral piercing can cause difficulty in speaking and eating. The jewellery can interfere with speech and make it difficult to pronounce certain words. Eating can also be challenging as the metal can get caught in food, causing discomfort and even choking.

Allergic reactions: Some people may develop an allergic reaction to the metal used in the piercing. This can cause itching, swelling, and even difficulty breathing. Oral piercing can increase the risk of transmitting diseases such as hepatitis and HIV. If the piercing is done with contaminated equipment or by an untrained piercer, the risk of infection increases.

Interference with medical procedures: Oral piercing can interfere with medical procedures such as MRI and X-rays. The metal in the jewellery can cause interference, making it difficult for doctors to obtain clear images. In conclusion, oral piercing is not without its risks. Infection, gum damage, chipped or cracked teeth, nerve damage, difficulty in speaking and eating, allergic reactions, transmission of diseases, and interference with medical procedures are some of the risks associated with oral piercing. It is essential to weigh the risks and benefits carefully before deciding to get an oral piercing. Additionally, it is essential to take proper care of the piercing to minimize the risks of infection and other complications.