Published By: Sougata Dutta

Roles Of Video Games In Childhood Studies

Do video games help children to improve problem solving skills?

Video games can play a variety of roles in childhood studies, including enhancing cognitive development, promoting socialisation, helping with emotional regulation, providing educational experiences, and promoting physical health. However, it's important to note that excessive video game use can also have negative impacts on children, such as addiction, isolation, and aggression, so it's important to monitor and regulate children's video game use.

Cognitive Development

Video games can enhance cognitive development in children, as they require problem-solving skills, decision-making, and strategic thinking. Research suggests that playing video games can improve spatial awareness, memory, attention, and reasoning skills in children.


Video games can also play a role in socialisation for children, as many games allow players to communicate and collaborate with other players in real-time. Playing video games can help children develop social skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership.

Emotional Regulation

Video games can also help children learn emotional regulation skills, as they often involve managing emotions such as frustration, anger, and excitement. Video games can provide a safe space for children to practise emotional regulation skills without the consequences of real-life situations.


Video games can be used as an educational tool for children, as they can provide interactive and engaging learning experiences. Educational video games can teach children subjects such as science, maths, and language arts in a fun and engaging way.


Video games can also play a role in promoting physical health in children, as many games involve physical activity and movement. Games that promote physical activity, such as dance games, can help children stay active and healthy.

Digital Literacy

Video games can help children develop digital literacy skills, such as using technology, navigating interfaces, and understanding digital media. As technology becomes increasingly prevalent in modern society, digital literacy skills are becoming more and more important for future success.

Cultural Awareness

Video games can expose children to different cultures and perspectives, helping them develop cultural awareness and empathy. Games that feature diverse characters and settings can help children understand and appreciate different cultures, while also promoting inclusivity and diversity.

In summary, video games can play a variety of roles in childhood studies, including enhancing cognitive development, promoting socialisation, helping with emotional regulation, providing educational experiences, and promoting physical health. However, it's important to note that excessive video game use can also have negative impacts on children, such as addiction, isolation, and aggression, so it's important to monitor and regulate children's video game use.