Published By: Satavisha

Secret To A Happy Life: Five Excellent Ways of Practicing Radical Acceptance

Radical acceptance does not come naturally it is a choice that needs to be made consciously, and it can help you make necessary and positive changes.

What does radical acceptance mean? Radical acceptance is about accepting other people, oneself, and life on its terms, with one’s body, mind, and soul – completely, without ifs or/and buts and any judgment. You will have to learn to absolutely and entirely embrace reality. Radical acceptance can mitigate your suffering while helping you lead a more fulfilling and happy life. Check out how it works!

Identify your resistant behavior

We all do certain things when we refuse to accept something. You may complain about your misfortune to your family and friends, or regret your actions for not doing things differently, or get furious and act impulsively. Pay attention to what you say, think, or do when you are trying to defy the reality of the situation. It can help you recognize those behaviors and rectify them in the future.

Relax your body

Relax or loosen your body to promote an outlook of acceptance because resistance is often associated with tauting your muscles. Practice the half-smile and willing hands exercise by placing your open palms in your lap. Studies have revealed that this simple exercise can ease your anxiety and lighten your mood.

Pretend to accept the reality

One way of practicing radical acceptance involves pretending you have already accepted it. Engage in an internal dialogue with yourself and pretend like you have accepted the situation that is causing you trouble or making you uncomfortable. At first, it may seem jarring but get going with it. Accept all the emotions you face.

Acknowledge the things you cannot control.

We often deny reality because we wish to hold the power to control every situation in our life. Accepting every unpleasant situation involves acknowledging that we cannot always be in control of our life. You may even have to accept the harsh reality that your deepest desires may never come true. Always remember that denying reality comes with its perils.

Feel your negative emotions

Radical acceptance is not about pretending you are fine when you are not, to cheer up yourself in a bad situation. Do not push away or ignore the negative emotions you are feeling, regardless of how overwhelming they may be. Your problems will not resolve unless you face them — and in some cases, your problems will never get settled, and you will have to learn to accept them the way they are.

Develop the skill of radical acceptance to help mitigate your sufferings and concentrate on fully enjoying life.