Published By: vikramsharma

Seven Technologies in Japan which makes it Ten Years Ahead of Rest of the World (Part II)

For instance, In Japan, especially in big cities, parking your car is not a hassle as they have an automated car parking system. 

Japan is a fascinating country and they have incorporated technology into their everyday lives making it a technically sound country. There are many innovative technologies in the country that make Japan ahead of the rest of the countries of the world. Here are a few more technologies that make Japan ten years ahead of other countries.

Automated Car Parking System 

In Japan, especially in big cities, parking your car is not a hassle as they have an automated car parking system.

In major cities of Japan, you need not park your car yourself. You only have to take the car into one of their many, many automated car parking systems. There are robotic car parking systems available where your car is parked automatically. In some places, there are robots that help in parking your car. These automated car parking systems have these stacked cars on top of one another that seem like a giant car vending machine. Many restaurants, hotels, and other properties have them as standard.

Robots Everywhere

In Japan, you can see robots almost everywhere doing all sorts of work and while it may seem strange to us, it’s pretty normal in Japan. 

If you ever get a chance to visit Japan, you will be amazed to see that there are robots almost everywhere doing almost all the work a human being can do. There are robots who can even converse with you. It’s for sure that you will feel like you have reached the future but in Japan, it is quite common to use robots for doing various types of work including doing jobs as shopkeepers and even bank employees.

Fancy Toilets

Japan is very famous for its fancy and unique types of toilets and it has technologies that most of us can’t even imagine. 

Japanese toilets, including the public toilets, contain modern technologies which other countries can’t even think about. The toilets of Japan have background noise to cover sounds that may make the user a bit amused, a warm cleansing spray, a self-warming seat, a built-in water-saving sink, and various other innovative technologies.

Attendants To Take Care Of Drunk Females

Japan is a unique country and sometimes it feels like it exists in some other realm. There are attendants for drunk females in the clubs, who take care of ladies who get drunk.

Big clubs in Japan often stay open the whole night till morning. In many such clubs, there are employees who work to take care of women who are quite drunk. They take care that nobody takes undue advantage of the situation or robs her belongings.