Seven ways to make your Kitchen Eco friendly

Going green is the need of the hour. We have to think to reduce our carbon footprint for better tomorrow. Here are some of the ways you can make your kitchen eco-friendly.

The environment is a concern for all of us. The greatest irony of our times is that we believe someone else would save the earth. But the truth is that it has to be little effort on everyone’s part to reduce the carbon footprint. So, you can start with your kitchen. Here are seven ways you can make your kitchen environmentally friendly.

  1. Composting your Kitchen Waste
You can reduce the maximum kitchen waste by composting it. Things like fruit and vegetable peels, leftover food, waste leaves of veggies etc. can make an excellent fertilizer for your plants.
  1. Reduce the use of plastic
Do you know that it would take 1000 years for all the plastic items to decompose? Think of the waste we are piling on mother earth. There is an easy way to reduce all the plastic usage. Bring your bag to grocery stores to save up on all those plastic bags. You can also replace all your plastic jars and bottles with glass ones.
  1. Grow your herbs
Planting your herb garden is one of the easy ways to make your kitchen go green. For somebody who loves to cook, having a herb garden would enable you to cook with fresh and organic ingredients (this is where your compost would come to use).
  1. Saving the water
It is time that we get very serious about saving water. In kitchen, it is wise to make use of faucet aerators to maintain the flow of water. If you use Dishwasher, try to load it then once a day to save excessive use of water.
  1. Switch to energy-efficient appliances
Changing your light bulb to a more energy-efficient option like LED lighting. You can also invest in cooking induction rather than gas hobs as they are more energy-efficient.
  1. Minimize the use of Teflon coated cookware
Now would be a great time to get rid of all those non-stick and Teflon coated cookware. This cookware produces very toxic fumes when used to cook at high temperature. Shift to stainless steel and cast-iron cookware to make your kitchen fumes free.
  1. Ventilation
Even though most kitchens nowadays have electric chimneys and exhaust fans, keeping them on for a long time is neither functional nor energy efficient. It is better to have windows in the kitchen, which would help with ventilation and also reduce heat from cooking.

By making such conscious and smart changes in your kitchen, you are saving your planet in your way. With a few of these tips, you make not only the eco-friendly kitchen but also space with a lot of positivity.