Published By: Darielle Britto

Signs Your Fitness Routine Is Working

Signs your fitness is working other than weight loss.

A well-crafted fitness routine can do more than just help you lose weight. Regular fitness could also help you live a healthier life. There are many ways to incorporate fitness in your life, from unstructured movements, like walking or dancing, to more technique-based workouts. Seeing the physical transformation from regular physical activity can take time. But that doesn't mean it isn't working. Here are some signs your fitness routine is working.

Working out consistently helps you improve

Physical activity can feel challenging and disorienting if you haven't moved your body in a while. Consistency with movement is key to improving. Develop a regular movement practise before you get started. That means committing to moving your body twice a week for a month and then adding three times per week the next month. Avoid hard workouts when you just get started. You need to get your body used to becoming active again and more importantly becoming consistent with it. Over time, you notice it is the consistency that helps you improve doing the workouts.

You miss working out when you miss a few days

While working out daily even in small ways is the ideal goal, there are days may you might miss or skip it. Even if this happens, you will realise your fitness routine is paying off when missing it on days you don't do it. You almost feel incomplete without it. It is your body craving movement. Carve out a little time in your day for physical activity when you are busy. Make it a ritual that could help improve your well-being.

You feel more energetic

Your energy levels are the best way to tell how a fitness routine is impacting you. Any physical activity that is working for you can help to reduce your overall fatigue and make you feel more energetic. Push yourself beyond your comfort zone in a workout. While it may make you feel a little tired, it could benefit you in the long run. Your energy levels can also help tell if your body needs recovery time from working out too hard. Remember to sleep well and fuel your body with nutritious foods. A 10-minute workout - walking, cycling or jogging - that initially left you out of breath may feel more manageable over time. This means your endurance is improving and you can start to push harder.