Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Simple Home Remedies For Wheezing

Perhaps you've heard the sound of a wind instrument; isn't it lovely? A comparable sound emanating from someone's body while they are breathing, on the other hand, may be concerning.

Wheezing refers to the sharp whistle or harsh rattling that we hear during breathing. Asthma, bronchitis, allergies, and other respiratory ailments may all obstruct the airway, which can lead to wheezing. The sort of sound that is heard changes depending on which region of the airway is obstructed. There are certain wheezes that can only be heard with the use of a stethoscope. Most of the time, wheezing can be heard when we exhale, but it can also be heard when we inhale.

Wheezing – what causes it?

The bronchi, a network of tubes running from the nose to the lungs, is part of human anatomy. It's common to hear wheezing when the bronchial tubes are blocked or obstructed. In addition to the smaller tubes, the obstruction might be found in a larger one.

A wheeze is a sound that sounds like a whistle, rattle, or the sound of a clarinet. You can hear it most clearly when you exhale, although wheezing can also be heard when you inhale.

Treatments for Wheezing

Wheezing can be alleviated with the use of common household items that contain naturally occurring chemicals. The following are a few examples.

Vasaka (Malabar Nut)

The decoction/tea of vasaka leaves aids in the opening of the tubes in the airway and the reduction of breathing difficulty. So it is utilised in the treatment of respiratory difficulties. People with wheeze caused by lung problems use it as a treatment. Sugar or honey can be added to the decoction to sweeten it up.


Tulsi is a frequent component in Ayurvedic cough syrups. Tulsi aids in the removal of mucus from the airways in cases of bronchitis and asthma, allowing the airways to function normally again. Tulsi leaves, ginger, and honey may be used to prepare a decoction that can be used to treat bronchitis, influenza, cough, cold and allergies.

Black nightshade

Also known as Janglibhata in Hindi, or Brihati in Sanskrit, black nightshade is one of the most potent herbal remedies for insomnia. It is also one among the primary constituents in cough syrups. In order to clear the blocked airways, it thins down the mucus.


The rhizome of ginger, also known as adrak, is an exceptionally useful medicinal herb. Asthma, a major cause of wheezing, can be treated with a little amount of ginger juice mixed with pomegranate juice and honey. Those who suffer from allergies, which are another prevalent source of wheezing, may find that a honey-ginger decoction helps soothe their sore throats.