Published By: Satavisha

Simple Tips and Tricks That Can Make Your Laptop Last Longer

It goes without saying that laptops should be handled with care and love - as any sudden impacts or percussive maintenance may damage their external and internal components, eventually shortening their lifespan.

Your laptop needs some attention to prevent it from leaving you in the lurch. You can make your current laptop last longer by practising a few simple tricks that can help prevent your device from breaking down earlier than it is intended to, and let's face it; planned obsolescence is a real thing. Follow the simple tips below to enjoy a more efficient laptop performance.

Keep your laptop updated.

Keep your applications, virus protection, and operating systems up to date. Consider these updates as constant tune-ups rather than inconveniences. Set your laptop to update everything automatically, so you don’t even have to think about it.

Keep it clean on the inside as well as outside.

If your laptop has a hard drive instead of a solid-state drive (SSD), keep it running efficiently by defragmenting it at least once a month with the disk optimization tool. You can easily perform it at home and by yourself, every time you notice your laptop is running slow.

Keep your laptop free of dirt, dust, hair, and crumbs when you are not using it, as these can cause harm by preventing the fan from doing its job. Therefore, external cleaning is also essential.

Install an effective Antivirus

There are numerous malicious programs all over the web that can adversely impact your laptop. Having antivirus protection can help. Antiviruses serve like vaccines; they detect malicious attacks and intruders on your system and take action promptly. Antiviruses further prevent spyware from stealing personal info and data or slowing down your laptop.

Resolve problems that come up along the way

To mitigate the wear and tear of the hardware, it’s better to leave the laptop on all day if you are using it throughout the day — avoid turning it on and off frequently. When you are not using your laptop, turn it off and put it someplace cool.

Keep all the cords in good shape.

Treat your laptop’s power cord kindly — avoid rolling and shoving them inside pockets to protect connectors and joints from damage. Do not roll or yank the cords in ways they are not meant to bend.

Maintaining the efficiency of your laptop may seem like an uphill battle, but the above tips will make it simpler for you.