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Six Healthy Purple Foods You Should Include In Your Diet

Purple veggies and fruits are abundant in anthocyanin a plant pigment that offers food a unique color.

Although purple is a color that is not often associated with foods, there are several nutritious purple-colored foods that you can choose from, such as fruits, grains, and vegetables. Purple-colored foods are rich in powerful plant compounds, and this natural purple pigment offers countless health benefits. Read on to find out what purple foods you should include in your diet.

Purple sweet potatoes

All varieties of sweet potatoes are nutritious, offering several minerals and vitamins like provitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, and potassium. But purple sweet potatoes come with the added benefit of anthocyanin antioxidants. Research suggests that this purple variety of sweet potatoes exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and extends protection against some types of cancer and obesity.

Purple cauliflower

Purple cauliflower is a stunning-looking cruciferous vegetable. Unlike the white cauliflower, the purple variety is rich in anthocyanins, owing to a genetic mutation that offers an intense purple pigment. Purple cauliflowers contain anti-inflammatory benefits and can protect against some types of cancer like, colorectal cancer.

Concord Grapes

These grapes have a deep purple and thick skin and crispy seeds inside — full of anthocyanins. Concord grapes are also rich in vitamin K, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and some B vitamins.

Passion fruit

This tropical vine is cultivated largely because it produces flavorful fruits called passion fruit. These fruits, when ripe, have a purple or yellow rind that tastes sweet and is filled with crispy seeds. Passion fruit is rich in piceatannol — a polyphenol antioxidant that has numerous notable health-promoting properties and is especially good for skin health.


Elderberries have an intense purple pigment and promote immune-boosting effects. People often consume products made of concentrated elderberry — like capsules and syrups — to treat flu and colds. Research suggests that the intake of elderberry supplements may diminish the duration of flu and cold. In addition, elderberries are rich in vitamin C and fiber and is commonly consumed as jams, jellies, or concentrated syrups.

Purple barley

Barley comes in several colors like black, yellow, blue, and purple. All varieties of barley are rich in minerals like iron, manganese, selenium, and magnesium, and also in fibers. Apart from these nutrients, it is packed with anthocyanins. Purple barley is chock full of beta-glucan — a kind of fiber that promotes several health benefits. Research suggests that beta-glucan diminishes the risk factors associated with heart disease, enhances immune response, and promotes digestive health.

It is time to add some purple to your platter and boost your health.