Published By: Satavisha

Six Interesting Facts About Emotional Intelligence That Influence Your Life

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an intangible soft skill that has become increasingly important in our day-to-day lives.

Emotional intelligence is described as the ability to blend feeling and thinking to make optimal decisions — the key to having a successful relationship with others and yourself. At the same time, a lot of people agree that it is important; many struggles with emotional intelligence as they often misunderstand emotions. Check out some interesting facts about emotional intelligence that influence our lives.

Higher EI leads to better performance.

According to researchers, emotional intelligence is one of the most powerful predictors of leadership, personal growth, and performance - beating off over 30 other indicators. Over half of success in all jobs is determined by higher EI.

Naming an emotion can mitigate its intensity.

One crucial fact about emotional intelligence: if left unchecked or ignored, emotions tend to intensify. But there’s a simple trick, more like a catchy phrase that can help you overcome this tendency: Name it to tame it. Research suggests that naming emotions is remarkably effective at mitigating the intensity of that feeling – to blend feeling and thinking optimally.

Individuals with a high Emotional Quotient tend to earn more money

According to the author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, people with a high degree of emotional quotient earn an average of about $30,000 more every year, in contrast to individuals with low emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence induces greater job satisfaction.

Professor Rode from Miami University of Ohio reported that emotional intelligence is directly linked to increased job satisfaction. It is not just for the higher salaries but also due to their ability to ask for what they desire, evaluate complex social situations, and resolve tricky issues. These facts about emotional intelligence suggest that better EQ can enhance empathy, \ social skills, communication, stress management, leadership, teamwork, presentation skills, assertiveness, and a lot more.

Emotional intelligence can be enhanced.

Emotional intelligence can be improved through learning and development. Our brains possess the remarkable ability to constantly learn and grow throughout our lives – and emotional intelligence works the same way. They can be enhanced and learned with effort and focused attention.

Emotional intelligence is a critical skill.

As per The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, emotional intelligence is a key skill that is essential for attaining success. Some experts suggest that it is more crucial than technical ability.

Now it can safely be ascertained that emotional intelligence is one of the most highly sought skills or qualities, irrespective of your profession or vocation.