Published By: Satavisha

Six Simple Ways Of Practicing Self-Love that Every Individual Should Try

Every time you hear about self-love, spontaneous images of spa days and road trips come to your mind, but you will be surprised to know that self-love is more than that.

We are aware of the significance of self-love, but sometimes it can be hard to practice it regularly without crying a couple of times or going for a therapy appointment. You don't have to immediately overhaul your entire self-image; there are several small and easy ways to practice self-love every day. Here are six ideas that can get you started.

Discuss what you love about yourself to a friend

You probably love your gorgeous, luscious hair or your incredible sense of humour, but instead of keeping your thoughts to your self try talking about it to a friend. Do not hesitate to talk about everything you love about yourself.

Declutter your friendships

This step requires some thinking. Think about all your friendships and try to figure out which are worth keeping. Do they make you happy? Do they uplift your mood during bad days? Are they supportive of your goals? Consider these aspects to evaluate your friendships and try to spend more time with people who bring out the best in you.

Keep a journal

Write in your journal as you would write to a friend. Document your goals, dreams, fears, and happy moments of your life. Simply let your thoughts flow. Proactively writing can enable you to set intentions that often lead to a positive self-image, good thoughts and overall happiness.

Get yourself flowers

Do not wait for someone to get you flowers as a tangible way of showing love and affection. Instead, shower yourself with pretty blooms and sweet fragrances by selecting your favourite flowers and curating yourself a bouquet. Bring freshness to your life and treat yourself with everything you love.

Say no when you have to

You often disrespect yourself by saying yes to something you don’t want to do. It is about time to stop trying to please other people by doing things you don’t want to do. It is absolutely OK to refuse to do something you dislike or don’t want to.

Wear what you love more often

Stop saving your favourite attires for special occasions. Instead, wear them on the days you feel low or gloomy. Your favourite outfit can turn your day around and uplift your mood in less than a minute.

Lastly, choose to love yourself every day. Do whatever makes you happy!