Published By: Gurpreet Kaur

Six workout myths you need to stop believing

A list of the top six myths about fitness, from diet to timings.


If you look at the fitness industry, something or the other myths and facts will keep coming to you, every now and then from different sources. However, they should not be a part of the knowledge you gain about fitness. And if you follow them, they might cause serious damage to you as well. So we list down some myths that are a hoax in the name of workout and fitness, and you must stop believing them:


Cardio comes first


If you go to a gym, you will see a lot of people directly rushing towards the treadmill as soon as they enter, thinking that everything else comes after cardio. But do you know? Doing cardio first can lower your glycogen levels, and you will not be able to pull off the weight training section in the best way. So begin with the weights, which will amp up your cortisol and testosterone levels.


Morning workouts are better


Time does matter when you are working out. However, it means in terms of regularity, not in the number of hours you spend at the gym. The benefit of working out in the morning is mainly that you will never dread the workout hour throughout the day. Albeit, evening exercise is as good as the morning routine. 


Stretch your muscles before workouts


Stretching before workouts is said to be the best, but we beg to differ as the process can weaken your muscles by 30% and can lead to more chances of injury. 


The more you sweat, the more you lose.


One of the most popular myths when it comes to workouts; this is believed by most of the gym-goers. However, sweating more is not directly linked to the number of kilos you shed. As long as you are working out well, it doesn’t matter if you sweat or not. 


You can run to reduce those pounds


While most of us believe that running on the treadmill will help in burning calories; however, that is not the case as cardio is not more effective than weight training when it comes to weight loss. Interval training and weight training, in fact, help you lose weight more significantly. 


More pain, more gain


If you suddenly start working out in a gym, your body will pain. But eventually, the pain subsides when your body gets accustomed to a workout regime. In fact, if you feel the pain after days of regular workout, it means that you might be overtraining or exercising the wrong way.