Some great masterpieces that were left unfinished

An artist never wants to leave his work of art incomplete. They say art is never completed; it’s just deserted. But the below list of art pieces was actually never finished. Read on to know more.

Franklin D Roosevelt’s portrait.

In Roosevelt’s Georgia retreat, the Little White House, on 12th April 1945, Elizabeth Shoumatoff was creating the portrait in watercolour. When they decided to take a lunch break, President complained of sharp pain in the head, after which he collapsed and passed away. The originally intended painting was left incomplete.

David or Apollo.

When historians look at Michelangelo’s sculptural handiwork, they are not able to clearly distinguish whether it depicts David or Apollo. But one thing all of them agree upon, that it’s an unfinished piece of art. Nobody knows the reason for the same, and the mystery remains to date.

The Canterbury Tales.

Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales was supposed to have two stories on pilgrims on their way to Canterbury and another two stories on the way back home. But Chaucer had a very busy life back then; he worked at the Port of London, worked as a member of parliament from Kent and later moved to London as a clerk to the King. The workload was to be blamed for the never completed ‘The Canterbury Tales ‘.

Transfiguration by Raphael.

This painting was considered one of his best creations. However, when Raphael passed away, there were still 16 sections of the painting unfinished. Much later, his assistants painted some of the figures on the lower left side of the painting. But to date, it remains an unfinished masterpiece!

Requiem by Mozart.

Requiem was the work that Mozart was working on when he died. At that time, he had just received half of the agreed payment and to collect the remaining amount; his wife hired Franz XaverSüssmayrto complete the work. Later, Requiem underwent several revisions over time.

Coleridge’s Kubla Khan.

The legend goes that Coleridge dreamt about the poem, and immediately after waking up, he started scribbling it. This interfered with as he had to rush to complete some work in between. When he returned back and tried to complete Kubla Khan, his vision of the poem in his head was gone. He had no buzz left to complete his work!

There are several other renowned masterpieces that unfortunately did not see the light of completion. However, this doesn’t and will never affect their beauty, uniqueness or glory.