Published By: Admin

Some Modern Dating Terms Everyone Should Know

Just as the meaning of love, the terms used to describe dating, relationships, and love are also evolving with time. We are here to decode the modern dating and love lingo that the millennials and Gen Z are using.

Modern romance and its nuances are not common knowledge to many. Hence, to make things less complex on the bumpy path to love, we have carefully crafted a glossary of romantic and not-so-romantic terms that you should consider keeping on your dating radar. From breadcrumbing to groundhogging, here are some modern dating lingos for you.


Breadcrumbing refers to providing a few crumbs and assuring more but never delivering. Some people employ this tactic to keep a person on the hook and to retain their interest in them. They may go without a text for several days, and suddenly a week later, they are interested and flirty with you again. If you are experiencing this, we suggest you do not take the crumbs; instead get yourself a loaf of bread.


Orbiting can be defined as psychological warfare, and it feels astonishingly Gen-Z. This generation of lovers has opened a portal to a world featuring all kinds of modern dating ideas and relationships. If you get ghosted by someone, but they keep lurking on your social media— viewing your stories and reacting to your posts—they are orbiting you.

Zombieing or Submarining

You are probably aware of the unpopular dating term—ghosting—and both zombieing and submarining refer to when a person who had ghosted you suddenly makes up their mind to pop up in your life again without any explanation. If you don’t want to experience the same kind of pain this person had caused you earlier, you should consider shooting the zombie in the face (not literally though).


Many youngsters are guilty of engaging in this one. The term cuffing season or cuffing refers to that time of the year when a lot of people consider finding a romantic partner for the cold winter months — as a type of dating hibernation. But unfortunately, as the summer months approach, the bond begins to dissipate. On the brighter side, at least you enjoyed some warm cuddles.


Groundhogging is a term used to describe how some people tend to fall for the same kind of person every time while anticipating different results. They are usually attracted to individuals who fit in their 'ideal' type and date them, but they end up experiencing the same issues and hurt. And when the relationship falls apart, the groundhoggers resume their same old vicious cycle of finding ‘love.’

We hope this glossary helps you identify what title your relationship deserves.