Published By: Shriparna

Some people are eating too much protein – and it has serious consequences; here’s how

Although high-protein diets can help people lose weight and reduce their fat, they can also lead to various health issues

High-protein diets have been around for a while, and they’re a resurgence following the popularity of the Zone and the Atkins diet in the 1990s. Some of these diets, such as the Paleo or Caveman, are high in protein.

One of the most important factors that a healthy diet should consider is protein. It can help build and repair muscle, as well as maintain a feeling of fullness. High-protein diets can also help people lose weight and reduce their fat.

When it comes to calculating how much protein you should eat, it’s important to consider the amount of protein that you consume from your diet and supplements. For instance, if you use protein supplements, you should also factor in the amount of protein that they contain.

Are there benefits to high protein diets?

High-protein diets can also help people lose weight and reduce their fat. For instance, they can boost resting energy expenditure and increase feelings of fullness, which can encourage weight loss. According to studies, these diets can help people improve their body composition and reduce their weight.

High-protein diets can also help people maintain a healthy and balanced blood sugar level. They can also improve the bone density of older adults.

Are there benefits to high protein diets?

Research has shown that consuming large amounts of protein for a prolonged period of time can increase the risk of various health issues.

Weight gain: Although high-protein diets can help people lose weight, this type of diet may only last for a short time. As a result, the surplus of amino acids and protein that you eat is stored as fat. This can lead to weight gain if you continue to consume too many calories.

Bad breathe: Getting too much protein can also lead to bad breath as it can restrict your carbohydrate intake. According to a study, about 40 percent of older adults reported experiencing bad breath. This is believed to be caused by the body going into a metabolic state known as ketosis, which produces a foul odour. To combat this issue, try brushing and chewing gum twice a day.

Kidney ailments: Although there are no studies linking high protein consumption to kidney damage, it can still lead to damage in people with pre-existing conditions such as kidney disease. This issue is caused by the build-up of nitrogen in the amino acids used to make proteins.

Other health issues with excess consumption of proteins are constipation, dehydration, heart diseases and calcium loss.