Published By: Satavisha

Some Seemingly ‘Healthy Foods’ That Are Not As Nutritious As You Think

Navigating the aisles at the grocery store searching for ‘healthy’ foods has become more complex as a large number of so-called nutritious foods fill the shelves.

Granola, kale chips, yoghurt – they all sound very healthy, don't they? Sadly, regardless of how virtuous the name of food sounds – specifically in conjunction with trending buzz-words like "gluten-free," "all-natural", and so on – it can still harm you. Check out some seemingly 'healthy foods' that are not as nutritious as you may think.

Granola bars and granola

Whether you are enjoying a granola bar or topping your yoghurt with granola sprinkles, most of them are full of sugar and fat. It is no lie that they contain healthful ingredients like dried fruits, rolled oats, seeds, and nuts - all are nutrient-rich and wholesome ingredients. But those ingredients are taken by manufacturers and coated with some kind of sweetener (molasses, sugar, corn syrup, and honey) and baked in oil.

Flavoured yoghurt

Yoghurt is commonly seen as a healthy choice, but it is best if you opt for unsweetened yoghurt. Flavored and fruit-filled yoghurt contains a massive amount of sugar, even in a small serving. Frozen yoghurt is not very different from ice cream. It is not just high in sugar but often adorned with innutritious toppings ranging from gummy bears to crushed Oreos.

Energy bars

Most energy bars are the same in terms of calorie, fat, and sugar content - as that of a standard candy bar – specifically the ones with a chocolate coating. Going by the product description on the package, they may seem healthy, with added ingredients like brown rice syrup for more fiber, but they are nothing more than conveniently packaged calories.

Plant-based milk

Many people believe plant-based milk like almond, rice, and soy milk are better alternatives to cow milk. However, plant-based milk does not contain the same nutrient mix that cow’s milk has. In addition, several plant-based milk, particularly the flavored ones, are loaded with sugar and fat.

Diet soda

Diet soda indeed contains no sugar and has zero calories. However, studies have revealed that people drinking diet soda every day are more likely to develop certain health hazards than people who do not consume it. For instance, diet soda is responsible for causing a higher risk of metabolic syndrome that includes increased blood sugar, belly fat, blood fat, and blood pressure levels.

Every product that is labeled ‘healthy’ is not necessarily nutritious. Therefore, in general, it is best to stick mostly to nutrient-dense, whole foods.