Published By: Ipsita Jha

Starting Yoga? Seven things you must know

Beginning Yoga practice is a wonderful idea to maintain your health and well-being. So, if you are trying yoga for the first time here are a few tips which you can follow.

Yoga is for everyone, be it old or young. You can start practicing yoga to reap the extraordinary health benefits that it has to offer. Yoga helps to strengthen the body, ensure the proper functioning of organs and calms your mind.

Performing different kinds of yoga asanas can help you to maintain correct body posture, keep your bones and muscles healthy and reduce anxiety and stress.

If you are new to yoga, then read these few tips that you need to keep in mind before starting yoga.

Begin learning under proper guidance

The best way to start practicing yoga is under the direction of a well-qualified yoga teacher. Proper guidance makes it easier to learn and practice the correct way of doing each technique for performing yoga asanas and postures properly, avoiding any injuries.

Ideally, you can start yoga practice by enrolling into beginner level classes under any yoga-expert who can guide you on fundamentals about yoga poses, alignment and breathing technique.

Dress comfortably

Wear comfortable clothes while you are practicing yoga at home or going to a yoga class. Avoid wearing uncomfortable and tight clothes that can restrict your movements while doing yoga.

Also, remember to keep your yoga essentials ready, including a yoga mat, yoga block for standing poses and yoga strap for stretching asanas before attending a class or session.

Start with an empty stomach

Start your yoga practice on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after you had your meal. Follow proper routine and practice regularly. It’s best to perform yoga asanas early in the morning on an empty stomach for best results.

Warm-up before the yoga session

Gentle warm-up exercises help to loosen up the body and prepare it for the yoga practice. You can begin your warm-up session by gently massaging your head, eyes and brows to allow the blood circulation in those parts of the body. Then, rotate your neck in clockwise and anti-clockwise motion to relieve stiffness. After that, you can move your shoulders in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction to recharge your muscles.

Breathe Properly

It is essential to notice your breathing in the beginning and learn the correct way to inhale and exhale while you are performing asanas. Breathing is a central element to establish a harmony between mind and body through yoga. It is important to learn about awareness of breath when you are doing simple or complex yoga poses for a relaxed body and mind.

Take one step at a time

Don’t compare yourself with others in your class and focus more on your progress. Move from simple poses to complicated postures one by one to make your yoga session more exciting and not challenging. Never attempt any complex posture if that feels dangerous or wrong for you. You must know that each body type is different, and with correct guidance and regular practice, you will be able to perform even the challenging asanas.

Relax & Recharge yourself

After completing your yoga session, relax in Shavasana pose lying flat on the floor for at least 10-15 minutes to recharge your body for the day ahead. Don’t rush and allow your body to cool down to consolidate the energy.