Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Struggling To Get Energised? Here Are Some Things That Will Help

Have you been feeling lethargic, or finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning? Are you trying to make it till the day is through and you can go to sleep again?

On our best days, nothing can stop us from accomplishing our goals. On other days, it's more challenging to get started or maintain focus in the face of potential obstacles. Although it is normal for your energy levels to fluctuate, there are steps you can do to get back on track when you find yourself struggling. Here are sure-shot ways to regain your energy if you've been feeling lethargic recently.

Go to Sleep

Getting some sleep, whether through a power nap or a full night's rest, may seem counterproductive when it comes to getting things done, but sleep is really essential to maintaining your energy levels.

Power naps, in which people sleep for only a few hours throughout the day, have been shown to boost cognitive function and emotional well-being. The optimal length of a power nap is 20 to 30 minutes; much longer and you risk falling asleep during your wakeful state or feeling even more exhausted than before.

One possible cause of your low energy is that you aren't getting enough sleep; power naps might help, but they can't substitute a full night's rest.

An average of seven to nine hours is required for a restful night's sleep. Having trouble sleeping for that long? Try establishing a nightly ritual to help your body and mind relax and prepare for sleep. Include in your nightly ritual a warm shower or bath, some gentle stretching, a cup of tea, and a set bedtime.

Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine-containing beverages, such as black tea, may seem appealing in the afternoon, especially if a power nap is out of the question.

Caffeine may provide a short-term energy boost, but it also has the potential to raise irritability and tension, and eventually wear you down.

If you really cannot give up caffeine, at least limit your use as much as possible. According to studies, individuals may safely drink up to 400mg of caffeine daily, which is around four cups of black tea.

Caffeine-free teas are a great place to start if you're trying to cut back or eliminate caffeine from your diet. If you're a die-hard black tea drinker, you can always switch to decaf, but if you're looking to shake things up, try some herbal energy tea.

Take Breaks Frequently

Taking short breaks at strategic points throughout the day is a proven method of maintaining a healthy level of alertness and productivity.

Taking regular breaks from your desk has many health benefits, but it can be difficult to do so when there is a mountain of paperwork and emails to be dealt with or a deadline to be met.

Taking frequent pauses, even if it's simply to brew a cup of tea and gather your thoughts for five minutes, has been shown to have positive effects on mood and focus, stress levels, and energy levels. When you return, you'll be ready to take on the stack of papers and messages waiting for you.