Published By: Sohamhalder227

Suffering from gluten allergy? Here are easy steps to control it.

It might sound fashionable, but a gluten-free diet is a must for people suffering from intolerance to gluten or trying to lose excess body weight.

Gluten, a protein obtained from wheat, rye, barley, and oats, is often used as an emulsifier, stabilizer, or thickener in processed food items. Gluten comprises two major proteins in the form of gliadin and glutenin. Before preparing a roti, water is added to the flour, as a result, these two proteins form a sticky network providing a glue-like consistency. So, Gluten makes the dough elastic providing roti or bread a satisfying, chewy texture. However, this gluten protein is not good for all. Nearly 6-7% of the global population suffers from gluten allergy. They suffer from various digestive problems. This article will elaborate on gluten allergy symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment processes. Read on.

What are the symptoms of gluten allergy:

A person with a Gluten allergy generally suffers from mild to serious digestive problems like Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Bloating, Stomach upset, Foul-smelling stools, and so on. If the person continues to feed on gluten-containing food, he/she might face weakness and Weight loss. In children, the growth rate is often reduced.

How to confirm gluten allergy?

The only way to confirm gluten allergy is by a blood test.Diagnosis of an allergy can be made through a skin-prick test or a blood test. After collecting the blood sample, the presence of immunoglobulin E or IgE antibodies to wheat protein is tested. A numerical value is obtained after the test. Then it is confirmed by comparing it with other immunoglobulins. Nowadays, the skin-prick test is also conducted to confirm it. During this test, a little amount of wheat protein-containing liquid is kept on the forearm. With a sterile needle, a little prick is made so that the liquid seeps into the skin. If the place becomes reddish or is raised with allergic symptoms within 20-30 minutes, the person is believed to be suffering from gluten allergy.

How to control gluten allergy?

The best way to control gluten allergy is to stay away from gluten-enriched food items like pasta, bread, pizza, cakes, muffins, and pies. You should also avoid processed foods and rely on a whole grain diet. Before buying any food item, do check the ingredients as gluten is often used as a thickener in various items. You must increase fruit,and vegetable consumption as well as depends on fresh dairy products.

Do not forget that, till now, gluten allergy is considered an untreatable disease. Scientists are still puzzled to understand whether gluten allergy is caused by genetic predisposition or diet. Hopefully, some good medicines will be discovered soon to treat this problem.