Published By: Gurpreet Kaur

Sunburn: Know the causes and simple ways to treat

The effects of sunburn can range from mild to severe

For those caught unaware, suburban refers to the damage caused by overexposure to UV rays from the sun. In fact, other sources like sunlamps or tanning beds can also cause sunburns, which can vary from mild to severe. The major effects of sunburn are pain and burning and if there is severe sunburn, it can lead to high risk of skin cancer, wrinkles, brown spots, and freckles.

Major symptoms of sunburn

Sunburn usually leads to inflammation, which ends up causing erythema (a rash) and edema (swelling) due to the buildup of fluids. A change in skin cells is caused and hence, it triggers the development of sunburn cells. They can even become cancerous, and can end up causing a reduction of mast cells, which has an important role to play in the immune system.

Following exposure to UV rays, the skin becomes hot and painful apart from being sensitive to the touch. In fact, skin may turn red and dark as well. In more severe cases, sunburn can also trigger fever, chills and headache and may need medical attention. Soif any case a person experiences low blood pressure, rapid pulse or fainting and dizziness, a person should seek immediate medical advice.

How to figure out if its a sunburn:

A rash usually will appear within 2–6 hours after exposure

12–24 hours after exposure, skin symptoms will peak

4–7 days later, the skin might peel and flake off

Treatments for sunburn:

Get out of direct exposure to the Sun’s UV rays and preferably go indoors

Until the sunburn heals, avoid further sun exposure completely

Take a damp cloth or towel, and wipe your body off

Take over-the-counter medications in order to reduce swelling

Apply hydrocortisone cream if there is itching

Drink a lot of fluids to prevent dehydration

Do not touch the small blisters to reduce the risk of infection

Do not scratch or remove peeling skin

Make sure to wear loose-fitting clothing until the skin heals

Ways to prevent a sunburn:

Always stand in locations with shade

Wear clothes that cover the body, preferably made of soft woven fabric

Wear a wide-brimmed hat and protect the eyes with sunglasses

Make sure to always use sunblock of SPF 30+ and reapply it every 4 hours

Sun exposure is essential in order to produce vitamin D, but do not overdo it as it can lead to a lot of health problems