Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Teeth Whitening – What To Know About The Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Trend

Most people try to hide their smiles and laugh because they are self-conscious about their teeth. This is why most people try to grin with their lips closed.

When it comes to the availability of at-home whitening treatments, teeth whitening might seem like the greatest option for individuals who are self-conscious about the shade of their teeth. Here’s all you need to know regarding one of the most talked-about developments in cosmetic dentistry, from the available options to the potential dangers involved.

How to Make Sense of Teeth Discoloration

The simple answer to stained teeth may be found in teeth whitening treatments. Yet, there are two distinct forms of tooth discoloration to keep in mind, and it's crucial to be aware of all of the potential causes. Many substances, including food and drink (such as coffee, tea, and red wine), as well as meals containing colors and nicotine, can cause extrinsic discoloration of the teeth, or stains on the exterior of the teeth.

Whitening Options

There are several teeth whitening treatments available to people who want a whiter, brighter smile. Teeth whitening procedures can be divided into three broad categories: those performed in a dentist's office, those given to patients to use at home, and those purchased from pharmacies or prepared at home (such as whitening strips, toothpaste, etc.)


DIY whitening methods have gained pace and are popularised via social media, but professional bleaching by a dentist or over-the-counter treatments still dominate the market. Oil pulling, often known as swishing coconut oil back and forth between your teeth, is one of the latest dental hygiene fads that claim to whiten teeth. It's crucial to remember, though, that oil pulling hasn't been shown to really whiten teeth in any scientific tests. Tooth whitening using activated charcoal is another trendy practice that has not been backed by science.

Potential Dangers

Tooth sensitivity is a common side effect of over-the-counter or dentist-dispensed, tray-based whitening. All bleaching techniques carry the potential risk of temporary sensitivity, and teeth whitening also carries the potential risk of gingival irritation. Chemicals in the gel can be harmful to teeth and lead to tooth decay if not used properly (as well as gum irritation & sensitivity). The peroxide in teeth whitening bleach can damage gum cells and the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues of the tooth.


Many people strive for a whiter-than-white smile, and the many advantages of teeth-whitening procedures (including the convenience of at-home options) make it easy to see why this trend has taken off in the field of dentistry. However, it is critical to be aware of the fact that various whitening methods carry varying degrees of risk.