Published By: Rinks

The 5 Largest Shark Species In The World

Even if a shark is not your favorite thing to remember when you come to the beach, you can’t deny the magnificence of the fish. Here are some of the largest species of sharks found on earth.

You may have given out a sigh of relief when you realized there is no megalodon to ruin your diving experience, but that doesn’t mean no dangers are lurking around. Even though sharks are more or less shy creatures, you don’t want to test their patience by dancing about them. Here are some of the largest sharks that you may find if you dive into the depths of the ocean.

Great White Sharks: 20 feet 

The great white shark's reputation as the most formidable predator on the planet precedes it. In addition to fish like rays and sharks, they mostly eat marine mammals including seals, dolphins, and porpoises. While they are responsible for more human bites than any other species of shark, the vast majority of these attacks are only exploratory bites to determine whether or not the victim is edible. Typically, great whites prefer seals and other animals with higher fat content.

Greenland Sharks: 24 feet

The North Atlantic is home to the Greenland shark. This shark, like very few others, is primarily a plankton eater, making it a filter feeder. Several members of this group are considered to be almost 300 years old, making them the longest-lived known species.

Tiger Shark: 24.6 feet

The tiger shark is a highly migratory species that may be found in almost all of the world's temperate and tropical oceans. At night, they scavenge for food, which might range from turtles to other sharks. They are also highly fertile, capable of producing litters of 80 or more offspring. The stripes along their bodies are easily the most distinguishing feature. Attacks on humans are the second most common among this species. Yet, groups of whales and dolphins have been observed taking them despite their fierce nature.

The Basking Shark: 49 feet

The basking shark, a filter feeder, is large enough to devour a human whole yet poses no threat to people. Their massive mouth, which can expand to more than 1 m in width, is used to gulp down plankton by the pound. It is believed that these sharks travel about 9,000 kilometers each year in their migrations.

Whale Shark: 55.7 Feet 

The whale shark is the biggest fish in the ocean, yet it is also the greatest fish at risk of extinction. Whale sharks, like mega-mouth sharks and basking sharks, are filter feeders that rely nearly entirely on plankton for food. The fact that they pose no threat to people has led to their increased popularity as a tourist attraction in several nations. While in search of nourishment, whale sharks expand and shut their gills to expel water and move their heads from side to side.