Published By: Ishani Karmakar

The Idea Of A Parallel Universe And More Insight About It

For years,parallel universes have been dismissed as crazy speculations, but some of the world’s respected scientists claim these other worlds may actually exist. The reality that we see may be only one of the infinite realities that may possibly exist.   

The concept of infinite worlds is a very old idea, discussed in the philosophy of ancient Greek atomism, which states that the physical world is composed of fundamental indivisible components known as atoms. Ancient philosophers proposed that infinite parallel worlds arose from the collision of atoms. In the third century BC, philosopher Chrysippus suggested that the world eternally expired and regenerated, effectively suggesting the existence of multiple universes across time. However, the concept of multiple universes has reached maturity only in the time of modern physics. In Dublin in 1952, Erwin Schrodinger gave a lecture in which he warned his audience that what he was about to say might seem absurd. He said that when his equations seemed to describe several different histories, these were not alternatives. But all really happen simultaneously. This sort of duality is called superposition.

Some people have suggested that parallel realities could be a bubble, like a bubble in an ocean. In this theory, a bubble can expand to fill the entirety of another bubble, so that both universes exist within the same bubble. The laws of physics would then require that each universe has the same law as that of the second. In this way, parallel realities could exist side-by-side, one within another.

Physicists say parallel universes could be explained by a variety of theories. One popular idea is that parallel universes are born when two black holes pull apart. If both parallel universes share the same space-time continuum, it is said that the two objects will experience the same laws of physics. In this instance, the parallel universe theory also explains why parallel flights of the plane exist.

Paradoxes could arise if parallel realities would not have the same speed. Scientists believe that if they could observe the movement of subatomic particles, they would be able to confirm whether the parallel universe theory is true or not.

Physicists believe that parallel universes could be explained through the principle of relativity. According to this theory, no two objects can ever exist at the same time. They would have to be either travelling at the same speed or occupying the same space at the same time. In other words, the laws of physics would always govern the behaviour of identical or similar objects, regardless of where they originated from. To summarize, scientists are still trying to understand what really happens in parallel universes.