Published By: Ahvana Paul

The Joys Of Going Through Old Photographs- What Makes Them So Precious!

It is a fact universally acknowledged that photographs are the most preferred way to capture memories. Looking at them at a later date often is associated with a journey of nostalgia. Here are some reasons why they are so precious!

Brings Back Old Memories

Some of the most beautiful memories are preserved in photographs. By looking at them we recollect flashes of our past, or even that of our family, through family albums, or sometimes historic events by examining public photographs. It transports us back to an exact point of time in our past that was considered worth photographing.  These are precious therefore as they contain a remnant of our past, and consequently, the larger order of things that lead to us being present on this planet.

Feeling of eternity

Old photographs have survived through time. In the 19th and 20th centuries, photos were often black and white or sepia. These photos essentially endow a feeling of eternity and a sense of survival of a document that belonged to a bygone past. The point is photographed and will live on for a long time, if preserved properly. It might outlive us. Similarly, if we take a photo now, it might still exist 70-80 years from now. This eternity it embodies is visceral!

Vintage Aesthetic

Most people will agree that photographs have an aesthetic appeal, and are essentially vintage items. This quality of photographs as old but aesthetic documents makes them collecting-worthy!

A photo Tells A Thousand Words

One of the most fascinating things about photographs, which would also be echoed by many art historians for instance is that a photograph can tell a lot about a time. It can be interpreted in terms of what it is capturing, and what it seems to be omitting. Photographs are symptomatic of a particular period, they tell a particular story if analyzed properly. They give evidence of how a place looked once upon a time, or of a famous person, or even an ordinary person. Academics often ask the question that what is omitted from the frame, to understand these photos deeply. Sometimes, they tell us about the photographer as well, and the styles of photography developing at a particular time. Photos, therefore, tell a lot of stories, both of what it captures, and what it doesn’t! Photos tell a thousand words, all of which are worth reading!