Published By: Ishani Karmakar

The Most Common Causes Of Back Pain

Back pain is quite common, so you're not alone if you experience it. At some point in their lives, 80% of individuals will suffer from low back discomfort.

There are 33 vertebrae in the spine, plus many more muscles, ligaments, joints, and discs in between the bones. All of these parts have to work in tandem to enable movement and support your limbs. For what reasons do we get backache? Struggling with back discomfort may be puzzling. This happens frequently and unexpectedly, seemingly for no cause. However, when it does occur, it may make even the smallest of activities next to impossible to do. Causes of low back discomfort are many.

Muscle strains

Back discomfort can frequently be brought on by muscular strains. This occurs when one or more of the back muscles are subjected to a sudden and strong strain, twist, or pull. This can lead to muscular overstretch, which can lead to back discomfort.

Herniated or bulging spinal discs

Herniated discs can cause back discomfort. Disc herniations are commonly connected with becoming older, but they can also be caused by things like unexpected heavy lifting (as occurs with improper lifting). Pain felt both at the site of damage and throughout the path of the injured nerve is known as radicular pain, and it can be caused by a herniated disc pressing on the spinal nerves at their point of exit from the spinal column. Radicular pain might be experienced in the form of sciatica.

Spinal stenosis is another potential reason for your back to hurt. People over the age of 50 are disproportionately affected. Narrowing of the spinal canal, which can lead to nerve compression, is what this word describes. There are a number of potential reasons of spinal stenosis, including the development of thicker ligaments along the spinal canal or bony spurs as a result of arthritic changes. The back discomfort caused by this illness sometimes gets worse after prolonged standing or walking. It may be required to have surgery in order to remedy this condition in extreme circumstances.


The spine's joints are only one of several places where osteoarthritis can manifest. People over the age of 50 are more likely to have it, and it has been linked to conditions like spinal stenosis. Degeneration of cartilage in the intervertebral discs and spinal joints is a natural consequence of ageing. Inflammation, edoema, and stiffness can develop as a result, leading to severe back discomfort. Spinal stenosis has been linked to the progression of arthritis, which can lead to bone spurs and ligament thickening.

Disease that weakens bones

Osteoporosis is more frequent in women and has been linked to back discomfort in certain patients. Bone density reduction is a hallmark of this condition. When bone density decreases, a person is at a higher risk of suffering a fracture. This condition can cause severe vertebral compression fractures by weakening the bones of the spine to the point where they collapse with the slightest trauma.