Published By: Sougata Dutta

The reality of depletion of the Ozone Layer

Few holes and a threatened future

The layer of ozone, residing in the stratosphere at an altitude of 15 to 30 kilometers from the earth’s surface is the sole protector of all the living bodies and their environmental and ecological systems from the highly dangerous and reactive ultraviolet rays of the Sun.  But the emission of several harmful chemicals due to the activities of men, mostly due to the enormous and uncontrolled technological and industrial activities has led to a severe depletion in the ozone layer, making holes in it, which is a serious threat to the entire civilisation and the ecosystem of the entire globe.

But how does the depletion of the ozone layer extensively affect us? Well, that has a lot of aspects, some of which might be listed below.

Fatality on health

The ozone layer’s depletion makes ultraviolet rays come in contact with our skin leading to non-melanoma skin cancer, as well as malignant melanoma. Cataracts in the eye are another disease caused by UV rays.

Fatality on the plants

The physiological features of the plants are severely affected by ultraviolet radiation.  It causes a decline in the growth of the plants.

Adversity on Marine Ecosystem

The ultraviolet radiation from the Sun has been found to directly reduce the fertility rate of marine animals, such as fish, crabs, amphibians et cetera, along with adversely affecting their early stages of development.  Several marine organisms, including phytoplankton, might be destroyed by the UV radiation, caused by the ozone layer depletion, resulting in heavy injury to the food chain of the marine ecosystem.

Adversity on Biogeochemical Cycles

Terrestrial, as well as aquatic biogeochemical cycles, might be severely affected by ozone layer depletion. The balance of greenhouse and all other trace gasses, such as carbon dioxide and other carbon-related gasses, sulfur-compound gasses et cetera might be changed drastically, resulting in abrupt and deadly changes in the biosphere and the atmosphere, causing staunch possibilities for several living organisms to be fallen into an existential threat.

Effects on non-living things

Some materials, used for commercial purposes, such as polymers, naturally produced biopolymers et cetera can be severely affected by UV radiation due to the depletion of the ozone layer. The utility of these materials can be reduced by this radiation, keeping in mind the industrial production of these incorporates some additives to keep protected. However, with the increasing rate of UV radiation, the future of such products and the allied industries are under enough threat.