The role of science fiction literature in the development of actual tools and techniques

  • Bono Sen
  • 19 September, 2022
  • 2 mins ago

First, it was science fiction – and now the reality.

Jules Verne was one of the first prolific science fiction writers who remain popular to this day. In each of his novels, he wrote about a device or a phenomenon which is cherished and, as a matter of fact, developed into reality in this day and age. Be it the nautilus from 20,000 leagues under the sea or the aeroplane from around the world in 80 days. Today we know that we can circumnavigate the entire globe in a matter of hours.

The development of aeroplanes: Wright brothers and basic principles

When the Wright brothers developed the first functioning model of the aeroplane, it was not even stable for a sustainable flight. But today, we cover miles on it. The inspiration for the design of the aeroplane had been taken from the very place the story of the existence of such a device was taken from. The birds in the sky- the most common flying objects we see. The streamlined shape, combined with the high surface area and shape of the wings to reduce drag and enable lift, are just some of the features that people observed back then.

The findings of science fiction: The race to reality check

Science fictions written by H. G. Wells such as The Time Machine or The First Men on the Moon were science fictions which inspired us to look into whether these things are possible. But one must remember that when the book was being written, people could not even begin to imagine that one day, we would have space missions which would take us to the moon, with computers calculating and modelling out the course chart down to the last accurate decimal point. Let alone them imagining the fact that trees can grow on the moon. The book, however, did seem to get certain things – such as the moon facing the sun and getting heated up.

The science fiction of robots: The most cutting-edge developments

Today perhaps the most cutting edge and close to reality from fiction is the story of robots. AI today has reached the heights of science fiction. It can detect emotions and respond quite close to the way a human does. Today AI can not only give limbs to humans but also drive them to places and even listen to them while providing an emotional response. It's a whole new age.

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