Published By: Rinks

The Science behind Fasting

Fasting is considered to be a great way to detoxify your body and keep various illnesses and diseases at bay.

Nutritious consumption and sufficient workout forms the basis of your well-being. However, when we dig in details of what takes to keep our body healthy, its more than just proper eating and burning calories.

Fundamentally, fasting can be thought of as one of the best ways to detox our body from the accumulated food and rejuvenate your system. It has a long term effect on keeping your body energetic and youthful.

The practice of fasting dates centuries back where abstinence of food intake for religious rites was common. With time, it evolved as intermittent fasting, adoption of which in our regime keeps us safe from diseases and obesity.

There is a bulk of scientific evidence that supports the benefits of fasting. 

  • When we undergo fasting, the absence of glucose intake compels the cells to resort to other reservoirs of energy. In this process, the body experiences glycogenesis, in which it produces its own sugar.
  • The liver breaks non-carbohydrate ingredients like amino acid, lactose and fats into glucose and transforms it into pure energy.
  • While fasting, the basal metabolic rate increases, perfecting blood pressure and heart rate.
  • When the body burns up the stored fat in the body, it enters ketosis, which is one of the most effective methods to lose weight and balance hyperglycemia.
  • Fasting puts slight stress that enhances the body’s adaptation to cope with change. The exercise of your digestion system gives you revived energy for your day.

Fasting can further be broken down into three kinds. 

  • Time-restricted food intake
Time-restricted feeding limits the calorie intake to a strict timetable. The rhythm of your food cycle slowly syncs with your body clock. The long hours of fast after your last meal will enable you to utilize the highest energy of your food.
  • Intermittent consumption
Intermittent calorie constraint diminishes the number of calories absorbed in a day. The amount of carbohydrates is considerably low. The practice of restrained eating two days a week with regular activities polishes the digestive system and gives better health benefits.
  • Periodic fasting
Periodic-fasting restrains calorie intake for a few days to enter into ketosis for the body to burn up excess fat. After three days, the body can start taking regular food that will cleanse the system without depleting its nutrients.

Even though fasting can initially seem challenging and uncomfortable, it brings many psychological and bodily benefits with it. It gives a raise to your cognitive performance and is a boon to people who are stressed about extreme weight gain. It also reduces the risk of metabolic malfunction.

The most significant discovery with fasting has been the depletion of cancerous cells during fast that might pave the way to heal a disease that is dreaded worldwide.