Published By: Nirtika Pandita

The ways of practising compassion

It is within all of us but comes with practice and gentle reminders

To go by the exact definition of compassion it stands for sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, understanding, and the likes. The word holds value for human life but the execution of it in our lives doesn't come that easily. While for some compassion could be something that flows naturally through their energy, for some it takes effort to bring compassion and practice it on a daily basis. Being consumed with deadlines and living a good life, we often lose touch with the way of living, that is with compassion. Here are some easy ways to practice compassion for others and for oneself compassion.

Journaling a letter to self with love

Writing our fears, sorrows, anxiety, and worries away is a healthy practice to remain sane. In a similar manner, write a love letter to yourself telling all the things you love about yourself. It might be a little to get started but as you keep writing the good things will flow naturally. Think as if you are addressing it to a lover, a dear friend, a mother, or a sibling, with the same thought address the letter to yourself. As you write you will come to notice that some good in you, which does reflect outside as well. Do this practice, especially in times when you feel low, are struggling with self-worth, or feel inadequate. This is a great practice for self-motivation.

A little re-wiring and re-setting of the brain

To put something into practice or ace a skill one got to keep repeating them until they master it. Likewise, compassion for self and others when not in the habit will get easier if we keep reminding ourselves about it. There will be times when things go kaput and we immediately start blaming ourselves or if not that we look for someone to blame it on. It is in such times that one needs to remind themselves of compassion. Basically, before lashing out at yourself take a deep breath and remind your brain that it’s okay and that not everything is your fault.

Inculcating the practice of empathy

Well, this works both ways, for self and others helping one fight the greatest of battles. Empathy is the act of developing compassion for fellow living beings. Be it humans, animals, or plants, offering empathy comes back multifold. How do you feel when a loved one is suffering? You sure do feel the sadness; the same imagine someone else going through the same pain.